Yes, I do have a full-time job, and I even enjoy it, but it doesn’t pay enough to survive in this hellscape of a world we live in. I lack the college degree required to get almost any decent-paying job (plus my last job hunt took MONTHS to get a lead), I don’t have the skills or originality to become an online content creator, nor the artistry or patience to create and sell trinkets on Etsy (plus, that would require an initial investment which I simply do not have). Should I set up a GoFundMe? OnlyFans? I wouldn’t really be offering anything except a charity basket/collection plate so that feels dishonest at best. Idk, I’m quite literally having a breakdown because I’m probably going to lose my car soon, and then my job, and then my apartment, and then my life. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you

    7 months ago

    So here’s some things to think about that may help you out.

    The biggest thing you can do to help yourself financially is to cut down on expenses and work your way out of any debts you have.

    Take a look at your bank account activity and just write down how much percentage of your monthly income is going where. If you have monthly entertainment subscriptions like Netflix or patreons multiply that sub cost by twelve and ask yourself if its worth paying $ each year. Cut down on your spending as much as possible dont buy anything unless you really need it.

    What I’m going to say next is going to be controversial especially among the lemmy crowd, but its a way to financial freedom you might not have considered.

    Your biggest expense is almost certainly rent to your appartment. Take a look at how much money your paying to your landlord each month, and ask yourself how your financial life would look if you instead poketed that money and paid yourself the “rent”. If you were your own landlord.

    The secret is, your car can be a home that you own. Yes you heard me right, I’m suggesting that you move out of your apartment into your car while still working and pay yourself all that rent money, use it towards working off any debts you may have and pay off the car loan. After all your debts are paid and you own your car you build up a nest egg of 3-6k and set it aside. After that you are financially set compared to most people living paycheck to paycheck in their appartments and the world is your oyster.

    The sad reality is that many people every day especially the elderly living on meager SS are forced to choose between paying rent or starving to death have been lead down that path of living in their car with no choice in the matter and little time to physically or psychologically prepare after the eviction. Yet they manage to find the mental strength to endure, adapt, and thrive. I invite you to check out the YouTube channel cheaprvliving hosted by Bob wells. He does interviews with vandwellers who are more often than not older people fallen on hard times and shares their stories and builds. As well as practical guides to everything you want to know like how to take baths and use the bathroom and generate power for basic appliances and AC.

      7 months ago

      One thing to note about living in your car… not having an address shows up an awful lot. You even need one to register your car usually. I was living on the road for awhile and used a mailing service for most things combined with a family members address as my official address.