TLDR: there was an “experiment” that involved using a screwdriver to hold the top half of the cover to get the core as close to critical as possible. One time the screwdriver slipped and the top fell releasing a huge amount of radiation in a very short amount of time.
Slightly modified doohickey
I don’t get it
It’s the demon core.
TLDR: there was an “experiment” that involved using a screwdriver to hold the top half of the cover to get the core as close to critical as possible. One time the screwdriver slipped and the top fell releasing a huge amount of radiation in a very short amount of time.
Assuming this worked, how big would the explosion be with this payload?
No explosion, just radiation and heat. Everyone nearby is dead, just not instantly.
There are few things more terrifying than this concept… To be alive, healthy, and also dead in just a day or two…
How far is nearby? And what timeframe?
The closer the faster, days to weeks if you’re getting the full dose, months if you’re unlucky enough to get prolonged medical treatment
Further away, you might get away with losing your hair and developing cancer
I was just intuiting the answer based on watching a bunch of educational videos, I am not qualified to do the math on this lol.
At that point I’m just picking it up and holding it against the back of my cranium, no point in prolonging it
Well that’s downright demonic
You might even say it’s the core of demon…onic s-stuff
You tried, that’s what matters ❤️
F for effort <3
Quite hardcore
Looks pretty rad to me