Trump burying news about him with more news about him is to his advantage. And I guarantee you Trump will continue milking the assassination attempt. It isn’t buried by a long shot.
Fascists will always use a crisis to gain more power. If the Rechstag fire had actually killed Hitler, then yeah, it probably would have been a good thing. But in the end it didn’t, it just gave Hitler more power. This situation with Trump isn’t much different.
Granted, hindsight is a big factor here. But I think I’ve made my point.
If Trump were to trip down the stairs and break his neck, that would be one thing. Becoming a martyr is another. And becoming a martyr while still alive is even worse.
One good deed does not redeem the entire sect
Was it really a good deed though? Because by missing, he gave Trump a shit load of political ammunition.
Trump is going to take this crisis and abuse it for every vote it gets him, and it’s gonna get him a lot.
Yes it was a good deed even though it failed.
I think it’s more accurate to say it would’ve been a good deed. Rn it’s just good intentions.
So what you are saying is that Trump is a “Crisis Actor” lmao
He hasn’t though. He buried this story with his VP pick and the documents case.
Trump burying news about him with more news about him is to his advantage. And I guarantee you Trump will continue milking the assassination attempt. It isn’t buried by a long shot.
It’s an interesting question. If someone could go back in time to try to shoot Hitler but ended up missing, would it still be a good deed?
Hardly an if, that’s essentially what actually happened:
Fascists will always use a crisis to gain more power. If the Rechstag fire had actually killed Hitler, then yeah, it probably would have been a good thing. But in the end it didn’t, it just gave Hitler more power. This situation with Trump isn’t much different.
Granted, hindsight is a big factor here. But I think I’ve made my point.
If Trump were to trip down the stairs and break his neck, that would be one thing. Becoming a martyr is another. And becoming a martyr while still alive is even worse.
Hes only a martyr to the imbecilic koolaid drinkers. The rest of us see him as a cancer that needs drastic excision
OK but there are a fuckin lot of koolaid chuggers
Fair to Midland. His first election was because they didn’t think they didn’t need to show. Hopefully we convince people to show.