We’re now at a point where transitioning fully to the open-source GPU kernel modules is the right move, and we’re making that change in the upcoming R560 driver release.
We’re now at a point where transitioning fully to the open-source GPU kernel modules is the right move, and we’re making that change in the upcoming R560 driver release.
Only 2000-series cards and newer are supported, but this is definitely a good change
Makes me wonder if there was some critical component of the pre-rtx cards that they couldn’t open for some reason
Call me Mr Cynical, but I’d guess that most of the super secret licensed proprietary stuff was moved to the firmware rather than being in the drivers.
I’m guessing the whole point of this is to boost AI. Pre-RTX have no tensor cores, therefore it would be a waste of time to open source.
I guess it’s the GSP which isn’t there on the pre rtx cards. Also, most of the stuff is moved into the firmware as a blob (hence the need for the GSP) so the drivers are not really open open. But it’s still a refreshing move
I was kind of hoping that Pascal and Volta would still be included, given how much of a userbase still has those, however from Nvidia’s standpoint, I can kind of see it? These are almost a decade old. But either way, i’m sure they have some other corporate bullshit in mind
2000 series is pretty old
Unfortunate for my old laptop still reliant on the open source alternative driver for linux due to how buggy the official nvidia driver is. (Steam doesn’t even open with nvidia drivers on)
Sounds like you have more issues than the driver. I would suggest looking up proper configuration for your machine