Techno rimshot: umm-tiss
how dare you give me a meme idea and make me get out of bed to make it
what is bro doin on the video
Cellar spiders are goofy as hell and I love them.
There’s a few spiders that do this (I know some orb-weavers do) and IIRC scientists don’t know for sure why, though it’s been hypothesized that it could be either to confuse potential predators or to make themselves and their webs obvious to larger animals.
Some orb weavers like Argiopes even make a thick zigzag construction in their web called a stabilimentum that we don’t really understand the function of, but one theory is to make the web more visually obvious so larger animals don’t accidentally barrel into them.
Spiders are neat.
We can’t accept drum and base, we need jungle I am afraid
I’m not sure you want a Jungle spider…
Now do this with a house centipede
Spiders would be a lot cooler if they wore lil hats