Meanwhile, 44 percent backed the American tradition of competing branches of government as a model, if sometimes “frustrating,” system.
Why would people want to live under an authoritarian’s thumb? It’s rooted, experts say, in a psychological need for security—real or perceived—and a desire for conformity, a goal that becomes even more acute as the country undergoes dramatic demographic and social changes. People also like to obey a strong leader who will protect the group—especially if it is the “right” group whose interests will be protected. Recall the Trump supporter who, during the 2019 government shutdown, complained, “He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”
32 percent of americans have chowder for brains
Then move to Myanmar.
If you ask the same people if they would want a leftist military regime or authoritarian governement they would beg for democracy. These people have no scrouples. End of the day they just want to be left alone like everyone else. It’s just lashing out because they themselves don’t want to change.
“Leftist military regime” is an oxygenated moron.
Every time a leftist government rises to power and then defends its own existence, we call it a military regime.
Can’t they just say Trump supporters?
They could but that would be wrong since the split is only 4% between the left and right (L-25% and R - 29%).
Nope. 48 percent of Republicans, 38 percent of independents, and 29 percent of Democrats.
I am literally reading from the article… And even with your numbers democrats are still quite terrible…
Dude… I quoted that FROM the article.
“A PRRI study last October found that 38 percent of Americans (and 48 percent of Republicans, 38 percent of independents, and 29 percent of Democrats) think the country needs a leader who will “break some rules if that’s what it takes to set things right.”
Stop making shit up.
Did you notice that your numbers dont match the headlines? The headline and main part of the article is about the pew study which I quoted from.
Stop making shit up.
So…. You didn’t even read your own article. That’s fucking embarrassing. Maybe read it. See for yourself that I copied those numbers DIRECTLY from it.
Jesus man…. You really should delete your shit.
And you didnt click on the link… Your stat is about how many want someone to “break some rules if that’s what it takes to set things right”, the post is about who wants a “military regime or authoritarian leader”. These are different things, you are being a dick AND you are wrong.
From this and other polls it really does seem that most countries would be immeasurably improved if a good third of the population were to spontaneously combust.
Bad news: the 1/3 authoritarian segment of society seems to be a human trait. Culture determines how the trait is expressed.
So fire them into the sun but statistically the hierarchically-minded, active-amygdala, contrarian and cruel segments of the genome will just always be there.
This is probably the primary challenge of the human condition: graduating from a troupe species with ling-refined tribal techniques for handling the problem individuals, to a noöspheric global species successfully coping with with emergent problems due to mass “civilizational” effects.
True, although it might buy us time to get some shit fixed before they repopulate and start complaining about how things have improved.
Advocates genociding all authoritarians
Gets put in line for the solar express
I think I know which third it should be.
Username checks out.
That’s what the Germans though in 1932, too. Maybe those idiots now should have a look into some history books about that era to see what happened next.
Sorry, those books are banned because it hurt some fascist fee fees…
I’m not sure they can read.
How charitable! I know they can’t.
Maybe have 20th century european history as a YouTube short would work? If it’s kept under 20 or 25 seconds?
a decade later, somewhere on 4chan
be me
hardcore Trump supporter
Trump wins, I’m ecstatic
world starts going to hell, WW3 kicks off
married with three sons, trying to keep everything together
decide to start a construction company, war efforts boost business
build a bunch of buildings, making bank
get elected to local office, life is on the up and upland a huge contract, biggest yet
build the place, turns out it’s a gay bar
media catches wind, calls me part of the “woke agenda”
sons get drafted into the war, proud but terrified
trying to keep the family safe as the world burns
business takes a nosedive, firebombed by extremists
every building I’ve ever built gets torched
house goes up in flames, barely escape with wifewife blames me for everything, says I’m the reason we’re targeted
receive word from the front lines
“All three of your sons killed in friendly fire”
caskets arrive the next morning
wife loses it completely, leaves the country, I’m left alonearrested, accused of contributing to “trans agenda”
just a foreman trying to get by, now rotting in jail
every dream turned to ash
life was supposed to be perfect
now I’m just a broken man with nothing but regrettfw everything falls apart because of one misguided decision
I’m not sure I find the idea of a 4Channer with a wife plausible.
News just in. At least 32% of Americans are brain dead.
One of my gramps fled fascism in Italy. Always warned me that a lot of people want someone to tell them what to do, primed to receive commands. That side is filled with rebels, flexible and rational people that operate in shades of grey.
On the other side, I have a cousin who had a strict dad, retired military guy, good soldier, no doubt. Cousin loves Trump. That side is more blue collar, less education, less financial means. Cousin never had to deal with emotions, couldn’t have done so in a safe environment with her dad around anyway, yelling at her all the time, telling her exactly what to do, why to do it, how to do it.
She would get harshly punished for very specific things and her folks would make sure she understood the just desert of it clear. She’s never led anything of her own, never started anything for herself. She’s very attached to the idea that people get what they deserve and has a hard time related to anyone different from her, which are defense mechanisms and marks of her emotional immaturity. Like, she cannot fathom that there are innocent people in prison who have pleased guilty. Her ability to think for herself is as stunted as her compassion for others. She needed serious education and travel, exposure to other cultures and ideas, she got a certificate, a job, and an apartment instead. Super attached to her personal property. Cannot fathom the idea of not being angry if for example something was stolen from her that she was fully insured for. Obviously she has a gun and feels like it keeps her safe.
She has authoritarian sympathy engrained in her. It is her attachment style. Loud shouted orders are her love language.
Dumb as a brick.
Hopefully that’s how many people vote for trump as well
The people who think this have never had to truly struggle in their entire fucking lives. Fat little American piggies who think that everything will stay the same in every facet of life under their military dictatorship, as if nothing bad could ever happen to them and bad things will only happen to the people they hate. They take for granted all of the freedoms and luxuries they enjoy daily and never once consider how quickly those would vanish for them too.
“He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to hurt.”
I’m 100% in favor of me being a dictator for life but otherwise I’m pretty sure democracy is a good idea.
Being a dictator is a prison with a firing squad at the end of your sentence.
I’d rather take LSD and play valheim.
I’m 100% in favor of me being a dictator for life
This right here. Even as a kid studying history, I never understood why someone would support a dictator. When I was like 9 or 10, we were learning about WW2 or something, and I said, “Wait, Mrs. <History Teacher>, you’re saying people wanted Hitler to be a dictator and voted for him? Why would someone give up the possibility of being leader themselves?!” I couldn’t comprehend how someone wouldn’t want to at least have the possibility of having supreme executive authority.
Like, if it were me in charge, then I’m all for it, but some other person? HELLLLLLLL NO! It could be Gary down the block, and he’s an asshole.
Fucking Gary - I completely agree.
TIL 32% of Americans are idiots.
Wait … I knew this already. Never mind.
You can pretty much ask almost any insane thing and it somehow always comes out to at least 30% of Americans.
I sometimes wonder if it’d always the same 30% and there just 30% idiots, or if that 30% spans multiple topics and groups of idiots and its actually higher like 60%
30% of Americans think that feet and legs should be removed and made illegal
Thats why they named it head and shoulders, the anti bottom torso movement scared them off.
It’s more than that, but some of them accidentally believe that democracy is good.
32% of Americans want to be Nazis? Sad to see.
And this right here is exactly why leftist should never give up their guns.
An overwhelming majority of California and New York leftists disagree with you and have neutered themselves in order to prevent black people from organizing during the segregation era protests and now the reason is for children’s safety from school shooters.
What do you say to those people?
Probably the same old electoral reform gobbledegok.
First Past The Post voting yadayadayada Ranked choice voting herpdederpdeboo state level reform possible yabbadabbadoo
Then have them acuse me of being a secret Republican Russian because I didn’t suck Joe bidens dick with a big enough smile.
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
- Karl Marx
If you go far enough left, you get your guns back!
That’s not far left, that’s just left of center. Don’t buy the American bullshit that socialism is an extreme, it honestly isn’t.
No shit, Democrats are right leaning moderates these days. Too bad a third party has no chance at getting anywhere because I’d be all for a socialist party.
Doesn’t look like keeping them is doing much either.
The ballot box still works AFAIK (as shit as First Past The Post voting is)
Are you an accelerationist?
It sounds like the person you’re responding to is saying the accelerated option isn’t being effective?
Yes it was, but honestly if I make a comment that a pro-gun American can see as negative against, I am aware I will be downvoted heavily.
Lol that’s fair. The States IS a country that considers gun ownership a HUMAN RIGHT and doesnt understand how insane lumping gun ownership with being able to access drinkable water is