• Hugh_Jeggs@lemm.ee
    22 days ago

    The people that have problems with Windows and have to ask for help, shouldn’t be using Linux because it’ll confuse the poor souls even further.

    The people that know exactly how to configure and use Windows with zero problems have no need to use Linux

    This covers 98% of the computing population.

    Linux users always try to convince both groups they should be using Linux then wonder why people think they’re annoying


    • Murdoc@sh.itjust.works
      21 days ago

      The people that have problems with Windows and have to ask for help, shouldn’t be using Linux because it’ll confuse the poor souls even further.

      My mother got so fed up with her windows problems that she asked me to put Linux on her computer. While she still had problems after that, she found them manageable and was happy with it ever since.

      The people that know exactly how to configure and use Windows with zero problems have no need to use Linux

      Nobody has zero problems with either os. The difference is whether you want to deal with problems that are just technical, or due to incompetence and profit motive.

  • EnderMB@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    I use Windows. It does what it needs to do, and while I haven’t upgraded past 10, it’s not complained about much.

    At home I switch between Fedora and Windows, but at work I use OSX because using Linux at work gets you a shitty laptop instead of a MBP. I work for a big tech company, with the Windows and Mac user communities being pretty much the same size. What I’ve noticed is that Windows is fairly tolerable, and often has few issues that don’t need IT intervention. The MacOS community, while often being more technical because it’s used by tech workers, has a lot more issues than any other. Major OS updates are events that take months of planning because it’s guaranteed that thousands of people will essentially brick their laptops trying to just do a standard upgrade. Everything seems to break all the time, which is mad when you consider that Apple is a trillion dollar company with one hardware line. Windows and Linux support many hardware lines.

    Ultimately, you know what you’re getting with each choice. All I care about is that my OS does what it intends to do.

  • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    Carving my soul into seven unholy partitions in order to maintain my unnatural existence as a Windows Guy whose shit still works.

  • SuckMyWang@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    Let me try. Windows is the superior operating system, by a large margin. Linux is the equivalent of old bread that has mould so faint that you can’t know for sure if it’s there or not so you’ll risk it if you really want that grilled cheese.

  • NaibofTabr@infosec.pub
    22 days ago

    Run Qubes

    Run whatever OS environment you need, in its own instance. Run a virtual networking stack. Crosslink your environments as needed. Segregate your environments as needed. Create new environments as needed. Destroy them as needed. Expand your virtual infrastructure.

    Experiment with BSD and then realize that TrueNAS Scale is the last NAS environment you’ll ever need, and you didn’t really want to spend time on BSD anyway. Expand your server and network infrastructure.

    Run every environment. Realize that you actually have a lot to learn about Windows, especially server and AD forests, and all the stuff you’ve complained about is actually kind of petty next to the monolith of professional computing environment that Microsoft has built (and also keeps making unnecessary self-harming changes to, and wtf is with user CALs anyway?). Learn to do user and domain management for real. Then learn what the real problems with Microsoft are.

    Experiment with Redox, then give up and do something more useful with your time.

    Install Xen Orchestra on some cheap secondhand Dell server you bought off eBay. Run a proper VM cloud environment. Run everything on top of it. Create your own VM golden images for the environments you use most often. Your personal computer doesn’t even have a local OS installed anymore, it’s just a terminal that runs whichever VM you need from your Xen server at the moment. Reject limitations.

    OS elitism is for the weak and the simple. Enlightenment is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, and getting the best from all of them.

    • caseyweederman@lemmy.ca
      22 days ago

      You can watch it on Qubes. You can literally stream it on Redox. You can watch it on Xen Orchestra. Subscribe to user CALs.

  • NoiseColor@startrek.website
    22 days ago

    The hate is real. Especially when some new feature comes out or is announced on Windows. Then Linux community is outraged for some reason. Windows community doesn’t care. Well, there really isn’t any windows community. Windows users just kind of live with a bit of self loathing, but that’s a great bargain we don’t have to think about our os or put effort into running it.

    • trollbearpig@lemmy.world
      22 days ago

      To be fair, the conversations I have seen usually start with people complaining about whatever the latest Windows shitfuckery is. Some well intendend, but clearly naive, linux user suggests to just switch to linux. After all, the OPs usually complain in a linux community, what else do they expect?

      Then they, or sometimes a different user than the first one, say something like “but switching to linux is work and I have to learn a new thing” like a dumbass. After that it’s almost impossible, IMO, to have a constructive conversation. Other people from the community get so mad that the conversation becomes a religious argument hahaha. After all, how do you help people that want to fix their problems while at the same time they refuse to change or learn anything? And on top of that they get so self rigtheous when people dare to suggest literally anything. The only solution they want is for Microsoft to magically stop being Microsoft and fix Windows hahaha, I hope they get comfortable while they wait hahaha.

      Honestly I don’t even try. Yes, Microsoft is the one fucking people over. But people are proud of their lack of knowledge when it comes to computers and refuse to even learn the little bit that will actually fix their problems. And that’s on people, not on Microsoft. I just let them enjoy Windows, they deserve it.

      • Stovetop@lemmy.world
        22 days ago

        It’s like cars. A lot of people drive them every day. Not as many people know how they work or how to fix them.

        If someone spends their entire life studying medicine or law or art, etc., or any other trade that has nothing to do with their computer OS, I don’t blame them for simply not having any remaining brain space to support an entire new set of skills just to maintain their computer when they are used to Windows or MacOS doing everything for them.

        • trollbearpig@lemmy.world
          22 days ago

          I get that. But then I don’t go to car forums to complain about my car and then get mad when they suggest my car is shit and I need to change it hahahaha. My point is, these people only want to complain instead of fixing things, and it’s very annoying. Don’t get me wrong, they can complain as much as they want as far as I care. But I wish they will complain somewhere else, it’s just noise if they are not willing to do anything.

  • UnfortunateShort@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    I have to, for work - which is why I am happy whenever they do stuff right. That said, there is also a lot of schadenfreude whenever they think something along the lines of “let’s tell people we will screenshot everything”.

    Whatever MS does, I win.

  • Lmaydev@programming.dev
    22 days ago

    Linux is a pain in the ass to use and many people just seem to use it to feel better than others.

    It’s much easier to just properly configure Windows