The word bed looks like a bed.
I’ve been told my username looks pleasing.
I don’t know about handsome, but I heard somewhere that “barn door” is the most pleasant sounds two words in the English language.
Kinda sounds like a foreign language, perhaps that’s why it sounds pleasing.
Cellar door, isn’t it?
I’m an idiot. Yes it is.
You’re not an idiot for misremembering something!
Bonus points for no aeiou.
Pretty much any Arabic calligraphy.
I went to a museum in Morocco that was specifically showing Arabic calligraphy in the shape of trees or people or other common objects and was absolutely blown away.
Indelibly printed on my mind.
I saw saw Arabic calligraphy and I was like oh s*** they got the written word correct.
I like how the Arabic word for ape is the same word that they use for monkey, but the artist cleverly drew one with a tail, and one without.
Very cool find, I would not have noticed that unless you mentioned it.
I tried learning Arabic once, because it’s such a beatiful language. I wasn’t very good at it, but i understand a bit of how it can be such an artistic language.
I really liked listening to the call to prayers they play through the cities, although the first time they played aloud, I was very worried at what sounded like Divine Revelation ridinog through the alleyways while I was walking around, like some Gabriel trumpet s*** breaking the city apart until I realized it was just the call to prayer.
It was this loud rumbling “aaaaaaaaaaaaAaAaAaAAaAAAAAAAA” to begin saying “Allah” and I was very confused and worried for the drawn out 20 seconds or so it took to complete the first syllable.
The word
is almost perfectly symmetrical, at least d and b are, and i really like it. Depends on the typeface of course.
You can have a perfectly symmetrical set of letters by writing “dunb” but that’s not a word
Wouldn’t it need to be “dunp”?
No, p is like a d that was rotated 180°, whereas b is like a d that was flipped horizontally.
Though i do now realize that the same is true for u and n, my mistake, still looks neat
Always dug the word “queue” you only pronounce the first letter and the rest of them are just waiting in line all tidy.
The word queue is made up of a queue of vowels. It’s pronounced exactly the same as its first letter. It’s beautiful.
I also find deque satisfying. Pronounced deck. It is a term in computing referring to a double ended queue.
hallelujah is a cool looking word. A lame word, but a cool looking one.
Titties the double tt looks good on cursive.
How about besotten? Are you?
Preposterous. Sounds hilarious, and looks/sounds very sophisticated in a good way.
Three tittles in a row.
Cyrillic cursive takes that shape to an extreme. No tittles though.
Hey man, nice tittles
It means
in Korean and it looks like ÷ or %