A cheap acoustic guitar from Amazon… That’s what happens when you’re unemployed, you waste that little money you have… I can’t even play it, I though it would be easy to at least pretend to play it but nope, even those “easy to play songs” on YouTube are impossible for me and I’m negated in learning chords, now is a pretty dust collector that I want to destroy.
Also I guess cyberpunk 2077. That game isn’t what it promised to be.
Edit: people, you also can ask about the game, not just the goddamn guitar. Seriously, stop asking about the guitar, the post wasn’t even about music advice.
The issue with guitar is that it takes a week or two for even the most extremely basic stuff starts sounding right. The reason is simple: Your fingertips are too soft.
And that leads me to another common beginner problem; You’re probably gripping with the underside of the fingers (as in, the opposite side of where your nails are), because that’s the natural way to grip things. Don’t try to play any songs yet (sure, you can, but it probably won’t sound right). For now, rry focusing on the easiest chords, C, G, D, A, E (all of those are in Hey Joe, by the way), and make sure you use your actual fingertips.
Don’t overdo it. When it starts to hurt, give it abrest for a few hours. Wait until the next day if you need to. After a while, you’ll notice that the sound gets cleaner with your fingertips getting harder. At the same time you can practice moving between the chords. Don’t worry if it sounds like shit - it always does for a beginner.
If you stick to it, I’m willing to bet that you can play a few of the simpler songs in a few days, and they’ll start sounding good in a couple of weeks.
Footnote tip: Learn the basic chords, because the others are mostly just variations of them. That list of chords above only needs minor adjustments for you to be that guy who plays Wonderwall at parties.
Dude I tried. I suck. Wonderwall Is fucking impossible, i wanted to play that because apparently it’s a kid level song, IS NOT. I hate the internet for lying.
Eh, Wonderwall sounding right is really not a kid level song. I struggled for some time with it. Lady in Black is the absolute beginner song. Good for practicing a 4/4 strumming pattern and 2 of the easiest chords (Em and D).
Yeah. You do suck. Why? Because you just bought the damn thing and gave up on it when it wasn’t as easy as guitar hero.
Everyone that plays guitar went through the same shit you’re experiencing now. The only difference between them and you is perseverance.
People sucked at Guitar Hero the first time they played it too. But it was a game, so they kept practicing. Treat learning a real guitar the same way you’d treat the game, and practice!
Dude, on GH I could play music that I actually like in an hour. Don’t compare it with a real guitar
They make a real guitar, guitar hero game for ps3 if you buy a special cable. Idk if they have updated ones for the newer consoles, but maybe check that out. Maybe you just need some gamification.
Rocksmith is the game, for anyone interested in this. It’s also on Xbox 360 and PC. Though I have never actually tried it so I can’t say anything about what it’s like
You need to remember that those are guitarists saying it’s a kid level song. You’re not a guitarist, you’re a day-one student. Take your time and learn the basics. You would never enroll in a motocross race the day after you bought a dirt bike, why would you expect to be able to play an entire song with just a few days of practice?
Obviously practicing goes a long way, but for some easier targets; power chords. You got like 2 main fingerings that you can move up/down the fretboard and strings (depending).
You always hear the joke about punk rock being 4 different (power) chords. It is true at least some of the time. Look up some Ramones or Green day if you’re into them.
But also regular (open or bar) chords will help you out a lot. So many songs use 3-5 different open chords.
I know it’s hard not to get discouraged, but just keep at it. You can do it.
It’s impossible NOW. It won’t be once your fingertips have hardened in a week or two. And if that’s the song you’re aiming for, I might as well give you the updated chord list.
Verse/Chorus: Em, G, D, A (all of them with the addition of your pinky on 3rd fret on the lightest string)
Bridge: C, D, Em (repeats a few times) followed by C, D, G, D, C, A7 (If I remember correctly)
If you want to play with the record, add a capo on the 2nd fret, as the recorded song is actually in F#. If you don’t have and can’t get a capo, tune your guitar up two semitones.
I have no clue of what are you saying, I can just read basic tabs dude.