Mine is 186GiB. I have about 100 movies and 3 TV series on a two hard disks (one for backup). I don’t know if that is small or large.
How big is your collection?
Rougly 3TB of TV shows (720p) and films (1080p, x265 at around 4mbps that I ripped myself including the subs and multiple language tracks), as well as about 500GB of music (FLAC) most of it from my physical library.
About 12 tb. 3 12 tb hdds, raid 5. Run arr suite, qbittorrent, jellyfin, and some non piracy related things. I should get a proper backup, but money.
Nice try FBI 😎
Came here to say the same thing.
You can say size, just say it’s all old public domain stuff like mine is.
I converted all my DVD’s so I can watch them more easily.
I have an entire series of Breaking Bad and that alone is almost 100GB and 320GB+ of anime also another 200GB if you count games all store in an external 1TB hard drive and that’s puny compared to other people collection I saw online
I don’t keep any TV series after I watch them, unless someone else with access to my Jellyfin wants to watch too. So my collection is relatively small at a few terabytes.
As big as whatever I’m consuming hasn’t been consumed yet or reached 3.0 ratio.
I don’t have one lol
3TB most of it from Kemono or anime piracy.
Mine is small, since I have a shit ton of physical media going back into the eighties
So, only about 3 tb, most of which is music in lossless formats. But, I also purge video that I don’t watch at least yearly, so it could be bigger.
I have a shit ton of physical media going back into the eighties
If you care about it, you should make sure that you still have it, and not just useless plastic, and make backup copies (and / or upload it)… magnetic tapes and discs degrade quite fast, and even CDs and DVDs have a limited lifespan… vinyls will probably be fine, though if treated properly.
I watch things fairly often, and so far, I haven’t lost anything that was oop before I could make a copy (which is why I go through them, even if it’s just background noise while I do other things). That’s the flow chart; pick the next one, check to see if it’s still available, if it isn’t either rip it or download it, then watch to verify the physical.
But, thank you very much for looking out :) That’s a genuinely cool thing to do
Around 16 TiB and I keep 3 copies of everything so 48 TiB used of around 65TiB. I encoded all my TV shows and most of my movies with AV1 and keep most of my files compressed, which saves a bunch of space so hopefully I won’t need more drives any time soon
Big, but orders of magnitude smaller than what all the Steam games I’ve bought at sales and never found the time to play would need if I installed them all at the same time.
“Piracy” really is a service problem.
(Fuck, I’ve got Amazon Prime for the free deliveries — it comes bundled around these parts and is surprisingly cheap — and I still torrent Amazon series because it’s more convenient and gives me better quality…)
I have no collection whatsoever. Everything that I watched gets deleted from the seedbox. A maximum of 900GB are stored on there at any given time. It’s cheap and no hassle to maintain.
128TiB, which is about 3k movies with I think 20+ shows. Some of the files are over 100GiB though.
Are you remux fan? 😂
Tree fiddy.
Going on 6Tb of movies and tv