I am going to ask if I may use linux for work. We are using windows but there is nothing that couldn’t be done on linux. Privately, I am mainly a fedora user but I’d be happy with any OS and DE or wm. What do I need to look out for when I suggest an OS? What does a computer/ linux/DE need in order to be ready for enterprise workstation? Will I only have a user and no sudo rights? May I install all flatpak apps? Does the admin have to be able to remote ssh?
If you work for a larger company, they will likely want you to keep using what they already have, not because Linux can’t do the job but because it’s a PITA to maintain different devices.
Also, they will likely not appreciate having a lone user with a unique attack surface.
They will say, while simultaneously ignoring every NIST recommendation
Also most Windows-centric companies hire Windows-centric sysadmins who’ll hide behind any excuse not to show their linux ignorance.
my favorite line they like to use is something to the effective of: we have to use something that can handle many users; implying that linux cannot handle thousands to millions of users, completely ignoring that it’s the most widespread server os on the planet handling billions of users.