You need to do this with 3 friends otherwise the remaining antennas will alert the government.
Unless I can convince my FBI, CIA, and NSA handlers to help, I’m screwed. Who has three friends? Wait, don’t answer that.
They don’t have to be good friends. In fact, I’ll volunteer to help.
Pffft. I did this years ago. The government uses it to spy on MAGAs, second amendment people and other freedom loving Americans. Make sure you do all four wheels, and lastly check your spare. When you cut one it makes a hissing noise, which is the countdown to informing on you, but if you can cut all four before the first one stops hissing, you’ll be in the clear. This was a Clinton era innovation in deep state government surveillance and you need to get rid of them before they take away your guns. That’s what this is all about. Gun control. Cut yours off to own the libs.
Good ol greg lol
Is this the son of Ken M?
Circumsize your car