Reality is so cliché.
Those who are the loudest…!
What surprises me the most is that he actually got fired over it. Most of the time, these types just start shouting about how everyone is a sinner, how sorry they are (for getting found out, but they leave that part out), and how Jesus himself appeared in a dream to redeem their soul. Then they end up keeping their old positions, where they continue to not show the same mercy to people they hate.
Here’s a short list of some of them.
That link contradicts what the poster said because virtually all of them were either resigned or were fired. Some it’s not clear what happened to their position, but I don’t see a single one of them that “kept their job.” I also don’t see a single one saying everyone is sinners, most either just appeared to disappear, died, or tried to blame someone for framing them.
What’s in that link are much shorter versions of what actually happened. Like Jimmy Swaggart had multiple prostitution scandals, got suspended for 2 years, came back and did the same thing again.
Wikipedia has all the grime if you wanna wade through it.
Even in that link, he was disaffiliated from the group of churches that he joined, and remained the leader of the church he made.
Can’t be fired from the church you founded and are head of.
I hate to defend these hypocritical dopes, but the more “evidence” provided, the more it appears to me that it is not all surprising that he was fired.
He’ll be back as soon as the media moves on.
Enjoy pooping in the cell john, john.
Any note, no matter how sour, sounds like a song if you hold it long enough.
Unless it is the Riker. The Riker is the alpha and omega of sour notes.
Sour symphony
Do cops even need two jobs? They get payed enough as is.
I can’t speak to this undercover cop but from what I’ve seen, the pay is pretty mediocre/middling and would not be a reason to join the force. Especially considering the stressful and dangerous situations you can be placed in.
Was the cop under age?
WTF is the issue here? I thought we don’t dunk on aex work folks?
Hypocrisy is fair game.
To just take a broad look at the situation, sex work is still illegal in almost all of the US, which applies to both those who are sex workers and those who pay for sex workers, and most police departments actively enforce those laws. I wouldn’t say I necessarily agree with the laws, but that is what they do.
So cops can and do bust prostitution rings to get sex workers off the street, but a lot of departments also have officers pose undercover as sex workers to bust the people paying for sex in the first place. So they’ll put up, like, fake Craigslist ads selling sex and arrest people who show up, or they may even have an officer undercover at a bar or street corner pretending to be a prostitute to arrest anyone who tries to give them money. This is probably one of those situations.
Can definitely be argued as entrapment, probably going to lose in court anyways, but that’s basically how they go about it.
That’s not entrapment.
For it to be entrapment they have to be coerced into doing something illegal that they wouldn’t have done otherwise.
I really don’t understand why sex workers sell sex in places it’s illegal, rather than selling condoms at the same price then let their customers try it out for free
Because they don’t always use condoms, and that loophole is so obvious even a vegetable could see through it.
Judges aren’t stupid.
We dunk on hypocrisy
If we’re going to keep sex work illegal, I’d much rather they arrest the people paying for it than the workers.
Tbf that puts the johns in a position where they need to cover up their crime.
Decriminalization, ubiquitous health services and a reporting system for safety are needed.
OSHA or permanent disability should be something every worker can rely on if they are hurt.
I’d rather they arrest the pimps and sex traffickers who exploit women and force them into it, but that’s just me
That is a reasonable proposition. Have you considered, however, that those are the people that make the money off it? I’m not too confident they’d do something about them until they become a competitor to an even bigger fish.
Cops being criminal should not even be able to lead to an arrest but i guess the police does not exist to fight crime but to fill prisons.
That’s how they catch pedophiles, so it’s a valid tactic
Posing as a child is not a criminal act. Posting cp however is. Not sure which of these two you mean so id say you are talking probably about the first.
You don’t need to post cp, you can just pretend to be a child and get people to come to a place for a meet
See? This is what happens when you defend the police. Cops have to turn to prostitution to make ends meet.
This pastor mistook ACAB for All Cops Are Babes.
We take fuck the police very seriously
Maybe the good pastor was just listening to a lot of N.W.A. at the time and had a moment of confusion.
Maybe Ice Cube saw a really hot cop and all this time that’s what it was about.
These fuckers always hiding as someone in power to control others, meanwhile they’re the ones projecting and can’t leave other alone.
Technically I don’t think it is projecting as usual. Often it is some anti gay preacher trying to secretly hook up with a gay person or so. This is a trans hater who… Was looking to get with an adult consenting bio woman. I dont think that qualifies, aside from the usual and unsurprising fact that a man of religion does something his religion frowns upon.
Dr. Terren L. Dames had previously asked his congregation, “Why aren’t we upset about sin anymore?”
It’s always the people you most expect.
This guy can get fucked, but, sex work should be legal.
Clearly he can’t, the cop arrested him instead
Sadly, consenting adults who avail and provide prostitution are unnecessarily criminalized. He’s a gross hypocrite, but he’s not gross for wanting sex. He’s also not gross for trying to pay for sex with (what he thought) was a consenting adult. Religions need to do away with celibacy stuff, it’s all nonsense anyways
Conservatives are weirdos and fucking dipshits no matter what color.
Listen, this is all very funny and cool. However, does anyone find it weird to think that our tax dollars are paying a police officer to dress up in lingerie and post ads for sex on the internet in hopes of luring people in for arrest?
Wouldn’t this money be better spent providing housing, food, and social support to women actually in the business of selling themselves?
Absolutely. Sex work is work and sex workers should be able to feel safe in their jobs like anyone else.
However watching hypocritical “Christians” fall from grace after disgusting sermons is a good consolation prize until society wakes up about sex work.
Yeah but conservatives are whiney morons and somehow still have a lot of political power.
paying a police officer to dress up in lingerie
Is it weird that I’m picturing Officer Wiggum from the Simpsons?
Well now I am too.
I immediately thought of Sgt Yates from the South Park episode where this exact scenario happened.
No, it’s necessary
Depends. Does it actually protect kids on the internet from potential rapes or muggings? If so, then I’d love to see the cost to apprehend vs statistical decreases for these particular instances. If it’s helpful and cost for safety is right then I’m for it.
However, I bet it isn’t.
they do this really often with drugs, it’s a really trivial way to get arrests, it’s a bit weird that they’re doing it for prostitution, I guess its probably related to the funny anti trans pastor existing, considering they probably live in a highly conservative area, so maybe police just kinda do this shit when bored?
oh, i guess it could be maybe for human/sex trafficking.
I have a very formative memory of watching Cops, and in the (had to have been mid-90s episode), the cops were doing an undercover sting. In that they were pretending to be dealers hanging out on a corner, literally selling dime bags of weed to just regular people and then busting them around the corner.
Even as a kid, I was disgusted. I could not believe that they not only had nothing better to do, but thought this would be a “badass operation” to put on national TV.
I was s child and I immediately thought of several better ways of spending their time… I mean shit, swap out weed for heroin.
Still stupid, still fucked up, but at least it’s heroin? I don’t know… That shit changed me.
He’s the sort that demands this be a crime.
Feels like karma in a few ways.
I think sex-work should be decriminalized. But I doubt any cop is taking photos for these sites. Probably just a guy posting stock pics of attractive women and monitoring the emails. But yes, providing social services would be best. However, taking a hateful bigot down from a position of power is also a service to humanity. That’s not what they set out to do, but it happened and we can all be grateful that he lost his congregation.
It’s legal in my country and there’s far less trouble than if it would be illegal. The ones that work under an employer get the same worker protections as other industries. Public prostitution is kept in a few areas that got permits and escort services can be found online without any shady business. Doctors can continuously test them for STDs without having to report them, keeping them and their customers safe. And this whole ordeal isn’t even something “the common people” find weird or anything, it’s just something a few people make use of. So I really do not understand why it would ever be illegal.
It seems some people think they have the right choose what another adult can do with their own body.
I’m also pro drugs btw, as long as all other laws and common decency is respected.
It must be really nice living in a sane country. Maybe one-day…
It’s great the sex workers are looked after, but in a regulated system, shouldn’t the clients have to have STD tests too?
Well over here treating an STD is cheap and having one is not really looked down upon. So we don’t have much people running around with them.