Ukraine didn’t decide on war, Russia did. Also, suing for peace doesn’t really seem to be working for Palestine, does it? At what point would you be willing to fight for what you think is right? Would you risk your life to protect your loved ones from a murderer? I would.
War is always the wrong decision.
I’ll ask the Palestinians. But it appears you try to sue for peace, so more of your population isn’t massacred.
Why do we even need guns if we can just sue people? You sir really do have the cure for the 2nd amendment people.
Ukraine didn’t decide on war, Russia did. Also, suing for peace doesn’t really seem to be working for Palestine, does it? At what point would you be willing to fight for what you think is right? Would you risk your life to protect your loved ones from a murderer? I would.
If someone starts dropping 500 lb bombs in my neighborhood, I’m leaving. The only reason you stay and fight is if you’re trapped.
Ukraine and Russia are each engaged in mass forces conscription. That’s what is driving this war.
To get them to safety, absolutely. But that’s but where the hundreds of billions in foreign aid has been going.
What’s driving this war is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Don’t bring that vatnik bullshit in here.
So if the solution to help Palestine is pressuring their oppressor to stop, then the solution to help Ukraine is…?