Hello! Is there any good Wi-Fi adapters that compatible with OpenWRT? I want to run OpenWRT in QEMU on my home server and share Wi-Fi from it.
Hello! Is there any good Wi-Fi adapters that compatible with OpenWRT? I want to run OpenWRT in QEMU on my home server and share Wi-Fi from it.
Gotcha. So heres how to run it in QEMU (apologies if you know this bit already)
However I am struggling to find documentation on supported PCIE cards.
When I have read a few forum topics it seems like as long as there is a linux drivers available, and you can pass the wifi card from host to guest OWRT it should work?
Specifically I think you will need to look for an adapter which supports changing the mode it runs in, from receiver to Access Point (AP)
As I know every laptop Wi-Fi module support AP, so I think PCI-E cards should too