windows 11+ requires an internet connection to proceed with setup, it can technically be skipped by using Shift+F11 to open command prompt and entering a command I can’t remember (oobe/bypass nro or something) but that’s not going to be something that 99.9% of users know of
You’re not forced to use either of those, IIRC. Just set it up without connecting to the internet or without signing in.
windows 11+ requires an internet connection to proceed with setup, it can technically be skipped by using Shift+F11 to open command prompt and entering a command I can’t remember (oobe/bypass nro or something) but that’s not going to be something that 99.9% of users know of
Not any more
No, there are no facilities for installing W11 offline or without a MS account anymore. MS removed those.
Can still use the “Shift + F10 and type OOBE/BYPASSNRO” option. A non-online method is still necessary for corporate environments that use Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) or other tools to image computers in bulk. See more details here:
But god forbid someone ever has to open a Linux terminal.
I don’t think you RC