cross-postowane z:

To be clear, I want to mention right away that I’m not a homophobe; I’m a filo-homo person. Gays shouldn’t be condemned. Everyone should be tolerant and love one another. Spread love…

»Don’t you guys think that more and more diudes are starting to look like gays and generally tolerate homosexual behavior in themselves and experiment? Because I’m hearing more and more often that a man chose men over women, or that guys did something together while drunk… How much is this phenomenon increasing? «

Do you think a certain steady trend is continuing? More and more people are discussing topics related to homosexuality.

I’ll finish the rest of my argument in the comments, because a lot of time has been spent on pleasantries. Not everyone wants to read everything. »WARMING: This discussion is intended for emotionally mature individuals.

    6 months ago

    Be aware that your above conclusions and assumptions are based on false premises and faulty logic from a position of apparent ignorance based on a very limited moment in culture and time and none of what I’ve read here has any bearing on your question or the prevalence of homosexuality.

    To the post question: no, there’s no evidence of that.

    To all of your other concerns(?), you would do well to read up on the as-old-as-time and as-broad-as-the-globe history of homosexuality and queer culture, which is infinitely broader and more involved than the anecdotes you’ve thrown out which don’t have anything to do with your topic.

    Time to read.