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To be clear, I want to mention right away that I’m not a homophobe; I’m a filo-homo person. Gays shouldn’t be condemned. Everyone should be tolerant and love one another. Spread love…

»Don’t you guys think that more and more diudes are starting to look like gays and generally tolerate homosexual behavior in themselves and experiment? Because I’m hearing more and more often that a man chose men over women, or that guys did something together while drunk… How much is this phenomenon increasing? «

Do you think a certain steady trend is continuing? More and more people are discussing topics related to homosexuality.

I’ll finish the rest of my argument in the comments, because a lot of time has been spent on pleasantries. Not everyone wants to read everything. »WARMING: This discussion is intended for emotionally mature individuals.

      6 months ago

      First a disclaimer - I’m not a historian but I’m very interested in history. And based on my general feeling no there hasn’t been much change in same-sex attraction in humans in the last 4500 years. There has been a change in the way it’s talked about though. A couple of hundred years ago they wouldn’t be using concepts like “gay” or “straight”, but we have more than enough evidence same-sex relationships were practiced.

      Of course given that statistics as a science only existed for the last 150 years we only have anectotal evidence rather than hard numbers.

      By the way the reason I chose the number 4500 years is because that’s when we have the earliest confirmed same-sex marriage.

      History is fascinating, hope I gave you some inspiration to explore :)