Making it 17+, changing cast and visuals don’t count. Let’s say it’s live action with heavy CGI. What would be here for the main attraction, the plot, the cast of characters?
Making it 17+, changing cast and visuals don’t count. Let’s say it’s live action with heavy CGI. What would be here for the main attraction, the plot, the cast of characters?
Well, first off, I’d make it a Space Western.
And inspirational.
I’d let Nathan Fillion star in it.
All jokes aside, Borderlands was perfectly fine as a video game. There was hardly a need for a movie and even if there was, I’d only have people associated who have more than the total average of hours into the game. If you haven’t played The Pre-Sequel for more than 200 hours, you have no business here.
Why did you use the worst game in the series as an example?
Because if you truly love the series you will have also played TPS a lot. You can’t just keep playing 2 and then saying you’re a huge fan. That would make you a huge fan of Borderlands 2.
That’s some gatekeeping bullshit. I’m a huge fan of several games in the series (1, 2, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, and Tales From the Borderlands). You can’t tell me I’m not a “true” fan just because I didn’t like every game with a Borderlands logo on it. That’s akin to saying someone isn’t a true Zelda fan if they don’t love the Zelda CDI games
You may not have liked it but at least you played it… Right?
I played TPS. The low gravity was an awful mechanic and the humour writing was extremely unfunny. I never finished it.
I didn’t bother playing the 3rd game because I heard the writing hadn’t improved much.
But again, none of this matters. You don’t need to play every game in a franchise to be a fan of the series. That’s just gatekeeping.
I’ve never played the game, I just like Space Westerns.
Ask me how to improve most movies, and the answer will be “make it a Space Western”. Hamlet? Check. The Princess Bride? Check. Speed Racer starting Christina Ricci? Check.
Space Princess Bride is my favorite movie I never knew I wanted to see
Space Western Princess Bride!
Or just like, a decent adaptation of A Princess of Mars would be fine, too.
Spaceballs is kinda that
I like space westerns. I like giant monsters. Surely we can make a space western with giant monsters.
I will fund this Kickstarter!
Same. Something like Giant Gila Monster vs The Psychic Worms from Rigel 9, and all the human parts are something like Firefly with some Cowboy Bebop and Trigun thrown in.
Nathan Fillion 🥹
Oh yeah I’ve had a huge mancrush on him since he was Johnny in Two Guys, A Girl and and a Pizza Place.
I wasn’t aware of Firefly until I went to college.
Mad Max meets Firefly, rated R