I think its funny (incredibly depressing) how disability doesnt scale with cost of living in your local area. Like my disabled mother makes about $1K a month off SSI and she lives in CA luckily with family.
However she would be in this same situation if she had to move and wanted to stay in CA. I aint doing much better but even working a job I dont make enough to rent here so we will have to find a way out together.
Yeah my bad I was just trying to articulate that stuck feeling that most people have if they cant really afford to leave or stay. She would lose pretty much everything she ever owned if she had to leave.
We have to focus on mutual aid. Identity politics of either major party seems very much designed to be this way, and maybe of any party that makes it onto a ballot.
I think its funny (incredibly depressing) how disability doesnt scale with cost of living in your local area. Like my disabled mother makes about $1K a month off SSI and she lives in CA luckily with family.
However she would be in this same situation if she had to move and wanted to stay in CA. I aint doing much better but even working a job I dont make enough to rent here so we will have to find a way out together.
Were both those locations supposed to be CA?
Yeah my bad I was just trying to articulate that stuck feeling that most people have if they cant really afford to leave or stay. She would lose pretty much everything she ever owned if she had to leave.
We have to focus on mutual aid. Identity politics of either major party seems very much designed to be this way, and maybe of any party that makes it onto a ballot.