He’s had yet another horrible week. The old tricks aren’t working. Kamala Harris does not fear him. And it’s showing in the numbers.
He’s had yet another horrible week. The old tricks aren’t working. Kamala Harris does not fear him. And it’s showing in the numbers.
Just to remind everyone in 2016 people had pretty much already planned their Clinton victory parties and everyone “knew” that Trump was going to lose, the polling was so clear and Trump was such a joke. Perhaps some even took care of “more important” stuff than voting because it was so sure.
So keep your excitement to take you to the voting booths rather than letting it make you complacent.
Thanks for saying this. It’s Mid-August. There are two whole months in which things can go wildly off the rails. Rather than celebrating polls in mid-August, let’s take this happy energy and make plans to go to the only poll that matters – the actual election – and make these mid-August hopes turn into January certainty. Plan the celebrations after we win in November, to coincide with Harris taking the Oath in January.
It’s astonishing how long the US election cycle is. There’s longer until the next US election than the entire campaign here in the UK, yet it’s all I’ve heard about for the past three years.
Can you guys not just chill the fuck out?
I used to go years between worrying about politics before Trump was president. I’m hoping those days can return somehow.
“I wish I could just go back to sleep for 4 years.” What a privileged take.
Not everyone wants to think about politics all day everyday.
“Make Politics Boring Again” Republicans have by-and-large politicized a HUGE number of things that should simply be left up to the scientific community. We shouldn’t NEED to have hearings on whether the planet is warming. The debate should be on minutia that aims to bring equity to all humanity, and frankly that’s pretty boring.
Yes, this. During his “presidency”, I got so sick of dreading the morning’s news. When I’d see someone else and they’d say “did you see/hear what he did now?”, you didn’t even have to ask who “he” was; you knew.
It was exhausting and the country barely survived it. I have no idea what’s in store for any of us if they put his ass back there again.
Media companies and political consultants have a vested interest in making this take as long as possible.
I wish. Our politics are so exhausting.
Obviously not. If people would chill out it would have to be about judging and responding to actual policy decision, instead of watching GoT political drama.
The longer the election cycle, the more politics are a show and bad policy can be justified with “election tactics”.
And make sure you tell everyone else to get out and vote.
Offer carpools to take people to vote if you can. We need numbers at the booths. Especially if you’re in a swing state or red.
Unfortunately I don’t see Kamala winning just yet, nothing is certain, there’s a lot of Trump supporters in the wood work, and the establishment liberal media play a game of “maybe if we pretend they’re losing, they’ll lose”.
…which is wishful thinking that destroys people’s grip on reality and causes lots of voters to not bother to show up.
The “liberal media” wants low t to win.
The establishment media wants Trump to win, don’t fool yourself.
I think it’s pretty obvious that if that guy gets elected, it’s going to be a shitstorm, and that isn’t good for the establishment.
And yet they carry his water every day.
Are you kidding? The “establishment” (mainstream) media is extremely left. They hate trump and do all they can to hurt his campaign.
Where do you live?
“Extremely left”
Ok, maybe it’s more correct to say ‘totally’ left or ‘completely’ left, but that’s what it is. That’s why it’s called the “liberal media.”
The right wing calls it the “liberal media”. Nobody else does.
Do something for me. Google “the liberal media” and learn something.
The term “liberal media” is only used by those within the corporate media itself, right wing kool-aid drinkers, or with scare quotes around it by the actual left.
The term “liberal media” is a correct term because 90% of major news outlets (and media in general) lean left. This is accepted by everyone who has eyes to see.
This is a good place for you to be. It’s easy to do little research and find that MSM leans left, like 95% of major news outlets do. The bias for things that are left of center in media isn’t even argued by left, or right, or anyone. The only people who don’t realize this are those who have “drank the kool-aid”. Please, just do a couple of google searches. These major news outlets don’t even really hide it. Google “the liberal media” or “major news outlets bias”. Something like that.
They also hated Bernie Sanders and did everything they could to hurt his campaign.
Where is this so called extremely left media and what are they doing to hurt low t’s campaign?
… NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX (fox has fallen into this group recently), etc. It’s crazy that more folks don’t realize this. 90% of MSM is pro liberal agenda.
Liberals know mostly know this, but they don’t care because they are on their side. MSM bias for the left isn’t even argued. It’s common knowledge (at least it should be).
Many many local news stations are also run by this media conglomerate, and that’s why you will see all these news stations reading from the same script. They have a collective agenda. Well, actually, it’s not THEIR agenda, it’s the agenda of a VERY small group fed to these stations to repeat.
Lmfao including all of those in the same sentence is good times
And then calling them all liberal! Lmfao! And then calling liberal, left! LMFAO!
I hope your eyes open sooner rather than later
Yea while Kamala is ahead in the polls , a frighteningly large amount of people still support 45
Even then, the error % on polls is high enough that Trump could be ahead instead.
Polls post their calculated error %. If they could be off by like 5% in either direction, then that’s what they say. And if the poll shows Trump losing by 2%, with a 5% error, that means Trump could win by 3%.
Every single reputable poll that has been published shows a Trump victory within the margin of error.
I don’t know a single person that has been polled. They are all guesswork.
No, they just don’t have to poll massive groups, surprisingly small groups work well enough for polling.
Well they didn’t prove shit when they said Hillary was gonna win. Just gonna say I’m not ever gonna trust one.
Polls are all about probability. They can’t predict the future. So, even though Hillary was likely to win, there was still a chance that Trump could win. Does this mean that polls are useless? No, because knowing the popularity of your candidate relative to the other candidates is important information.
Almost every poll had him winning within the margin of error, 2016 was never certain, just like this election isn’t.
The polls only look good because they’re so much better than they were for Biden. It’s still a toss-up, because those percentages are within the margin of error of the polls. (At least, for most of the swing states.)
Yeah, don’t be so sure of winning that you get too lazy to fricking vote. And also watch out because I’m sure there will be some dirty tricks around polling stations as certain Republican areas get desperate
The mainstream media just doesn’t reflect/represent the majority of Americans anymore and hasn’t for quite some time, actually.
This would suggest that the polls indicated that Hilary was more popular despite Trump going on to win the popular vote. This did not happen. The majority of Americans dislike Trump and he lost the popular vote and never had an approval rating over 50%.
However, there’s a lot of reporting on polls that operate like the popular vote, despite the popular vote not really mattering.
The actual assessment is that the electoral college just doesn’t reflect/represent the majority of Americans, and it never really did.
and there’s plenty of time for the propaganda machine to find a server, laptop or some other bullshit to give people an excuse to not vote for her.