Wikipedia is free because it’s wrong a lot.
People pay for facts, not opinion. When it comes to “news.”
Well… that’s not true exactly…
Besides… innit like 1 guy runnin’ all o’ Wikipedia?
Wikipedia is free because it’s wrong a lot.
People pay for facts, not opinion. When it comes to “news.”
Well… that’s not true exactly…
Besides… innit like 1 guy runnin’ all o’ Wikipedia?
Musk hasn’t tried to clarify anything, because he shouldn’t have to.
All those that honestly, sincerely believe that Musk was “sig hailing” are either full of shit, stupid, or lying.
These responses: It’s a little sad, a little funny, but fully expected. Most yall done gone full retard.
PBS covered this subject from bais.
I can’t believe how far this has been taken…
As an extremely awkward autistic person, I commiserate with Elon…
Think whatever, Elon didn’t know what to do with his his hands, or limbs in general.
So damn sexy
The divisiveness is insane and scary. So many feel such a devotion to “their side.” They don’t realize these politicians love getting them all riled up and emotional about an issue so that they will fight for their political agenda with passion. And they just sit back and laugh.
Ahh, I love you, bro. This place is wild, ain’t it? If one doesn’t fall in line to their militant liberal agenda, you’re ignorant MAGA scum.
I’m just glad to see someone else here trying to talk some sense.
You’re asking good questions, but I don’t think you’re actually open to hearing the actual right answers.
Yeah, and if he had tried, it would have been justice. But he didn’t try to "overthrow the government. "… I know that’s what the media tells you, and you eat it up, but just try to use some critical thinking. Please.
If he had actually tried, he definitely wouldn’t be allowed to try to run again, at the very least. He most likely would be in jail. The fact that he isn’t tells us he didn’t legitimately try to actually overthrow the government.
You’re implying Hitler wasn’t as big a threat in 1936, but he should have been killed anyway… and you dont see how that would be wrong?
That’s beside the point. You’re all skewed… 1936 August 28: German authorities implement mass arrests of jehova Witnesses in Germany. Most are sent to concentration camps. They already had concentration camps in 1936. Hitler wasn’t being called harmless. He wasn’t a threat to the west yet, but he was a threat to many. He was a threat to Germany. In 1923, he staged a coup and went to prison. “The Beer Hall Putsch.” No one like me was calling Hitler harmless in 1936.
That’s actually beside the point, too. You want to execute an innocent man. Well… innocent of a crime that would call for the death penalty. You’re endorsing the assassination of an ex-president. An execution not based on law and order. Its disgusting and un-American to wish such a thing. I doubt this is convincing you, and I’m probably wasting my time, so I’m done now
Lol… thanks. I appreciate that you commented this. Your comparison of Trump to Hitler clearly indicates your ignorance and immaturity. And the upvotes you’ve received helps (and downvotes my comment got) remind me of the crowd I’m dealing with here on lemmy. Hatefilled and ignorant. I don’t particularly like trump myself, I’ll admit it, but I don’t wish murder on him… I could try to explain the serious differences between the 2 political leaders, but it would do neither of us any good. Yalls need more help than I can offer here.
You’re disgusting…
victimhood narrative.
Isn’t that a correct narrative since there was, in fact, a victim?
I don’t see goat f----ers represented. If everyone deserves representation, surely the goat f----ers also deserve representation. Let’s not start excluding groups. That’s a slippery slope. The name of the game is inclusion right?
This unapologetically forward communist propaganda is freaking crazy… these kids obviously failed world history.
I would be bothered if a movie written in pig-latin was dub to English… who doesn’t understand pig?
What beautiful language.
This is from a more detailed comment I made:
"Tim waltz (and family) finances. Facts: Tim owns no stock, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs. He owns no real estate, investment property, or otherwise (neither does his wife). He also has no 401k, IRA, or any retirement fund. His net worth is estimated to be 115,000$ to 330,000$. All this is not great, considering he’s 60(ish?) nearing retirement. the average net worth for congresspeople and senators is around $1 million. His only legitimate source of income is his pension.
Pros or cons, we can decide for ourselves if all this makes him a better candidate for VP or not. We can make some assumptions, and one assumption I can make is that waltz personally seems to be financially ignorant.
There are other pros and cons about Waltz, but as far as finances, Tim Waltz is a scrub. And I think that these facts are very important when considering electing him into a position where he’s at the controls for financial decisions for an ENTIRE country… whatever side you lean toward, all this should be concerning."
Wow… That’s crazy… ignorant teens debating politics. That shouldn’t be encouraged.
I hope your eyes open sooner rather than later
No one actually ever considered kamala might win. As soon as Biden dropped out, anyone that actually knew something knew Democrats had thrown in the towel.