The team tracked individual plankton them from birth to death and exposed them to various concentrations of sodium chloride (rock salt) and calcium chloride.
Road salt is really only effect to around -10°C anyways. Having lived places that get some fairly brutal winters, salt isn’t even that effective anyways.
Grit/sand mixtures tend to be much more effective regardless of temperature. Winter tires should be mandatory in places that require them (I’ve seen chains allowed instead of winters in some areas, but I know little about them). Maintaining some snowpack instead of a pavement clear can reduce the freeze/thaw amplification effect of pavement and other road surfaces (though that requires temps consistently below 0°).
Anyways, there are oodles of effective snow and ice clearing and management techniques that don’t require ice.
Road salt is really only effect to around -10°C anyways. Having lived places that get some fairly brutal winters, salt isn’t even that effective anyways.
Grit/sand mixtures tend to be much more effective regardless of temperature. Winter tires should be mandatory in places that require them (I’ve seen chains allowed instead of winters in some areas, but I know little about them). Maintaining some snowpack instead of a pavement clear can reduce the freeze/thaw amplification effect of pavement and other road surfaces (though that requires temps consistently below 0°).
Anyways, there are oodles of effective snow and ice clearing and management techniques that don’t require ice.
(good point. might want to edit that last word
ice-> salt.)Me proofread good.