in order to promote the growth of the fediverse, we want to merge these two communities from two different instances into a third one.
Feels weird.
.ml is unavoidable for some niche tech communities unless you make your own with blackjack and hookers, but for example, Linux has !, !, !, and ! Privacy has !, !, !, and !
If I’m paying $900 for a phone, you’d better believe that 4K30 is the barest of bare minimums I’m expecting that rear camera to do unless it’s a deliberate tradeoff for something more ethical like a Fairphone. The Pixel 9 base model can shoot at 4K60 and 1080p240 (256 GB and the same $900 price). “Good AI features” lmfao blow it out your ass, Asus. I wonder where this comparison chart is coming from anyway.
Often called the “Citizen Kane of bad films” due to both its cult status as the best bad movie of all time and to the remarkably layered depth of the badness, The Room is a 2003 dark drama indie film written by, produced by, directed by, and starring Tommy Wiseau – an enigmatic eastern European man who originally wrote the film as a play and a book and took inspiration from his favorite classics like A Streetcar Named Desire, Rebel Without a Cause, Citizen Kane, and The Guns of Navarone. Imagine if you took a film that was so truly, earnestly, passionately trying to live among those movies solely for a love of the medium and yet failed completely at emulating every single aspect of them, and you have The Room. I seriously can’t recommend it enough; there’s not a single movie I can say that I’ve watched 8 times and would happily watch again except this one.
This information has been laundered through two different websites, and ultimately the journal article can be found here so you don’t have to play a game of telephone written by someone who has literally no qualifications to do so.
Still forgot to make up for the lost day yesterday, so I’ll have to do that today. I’m so sorry for anyone who’s missed their fix of these awful, awful posts.
In a time of crisis where 75% of US adults are overweight or obese, it actually is a good thing that we talk to people in our lives about things we’re doing to lose weight, as long as that’s being used as a positive example and not a way to act superior. (Also, if eating salads makes you sad, you’re doing salad wrong; iceberg lettuce with a few croutons and dressing is a salad in the same way that unseasoned broth with noodles and nothing else is soup.)
I genuinely never noticed until now how much Juliette Danielle is trying not to laugh in this scene, and in fact right after this her body starts jolting in a way that you can tell she’s laughing inaudibly.
“Apple’s new estate planning app” was one of the ones I had planned for this awful contingency.
Option 3 won: skip the lyrics. It won by four points (accounting for both upvotes and downvotes).
That’s me with KDE Connect on my desktop and laptop. It’s sooooo nice.
the candidate you oppose most
Look at their comment history; 1600+ comments and nearly 800 posts in 29 days, all supporting a known Russian plant whose entire job is to siphon away leftist votes so Trump can win in swing states. The candidate they oppose most is whichever they get paid enough rubles to oppose, and that isn’t Trump.
I’m looking forward to reading the post about this on Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog.
He actually threw $44 billion at it because he’s a fucking idiot who wanted to manipulate stock prices and then was masterfully forced into the purchase by Twitter’s legal team.
However, yes, he has since been destroying it, likely to the benefit of investors such as the Saudis.
“Ex-X exec” sounds like part of one of Princess Carolyn’s tongue twisters.
Yahoo! News is an aggregator like MSN (and has very few original articles), and thus the quality varies widely based on the source. Here it’s some outlet called TCD.
Only $10,000 more until the trash build quality sort of matches the price.
They’re one of the people drifting around Lemmy who’ve been shilling the Green Party lately, never mind that their candidate is a Russian plant whose goal is to siphon away just enough votes to get Trump elected.
Trump is 3 years younger and plainly aging worse than Biden.