I bought a sauna. Second hand from a guy who had it in his third floor attic 50 miles away. Had to dismantle it get it in the van than rebuild it on my lean to.
I then got myself a big old whiskey barrel for a cold plunge pool.
No regrets, a sauna straight after coming off the hill in wet weather is the best.Off topic: How do you prefer to pronounce sauna?
I pronounce it sawna. But I prefer when it’s pronounced sowna. I just think I I’m not nordic enough to pull it off without sounding like a twat.
My house. I bought when the rates went up, but I’m so much happier than living in an apartment.
Same. Recently bought a house, rates are very high, but I can live with it. I’ve literally never been happier than I am now, no matter how many weekends I spend completely drained repairing some random thing.
a house? so irresponsible
that’s like the least irresponsible purchase. even at a high interest rate, you are still paying on a principle that creates an asset with equity that increases your stable wealth. When you rent, all that money you pay just evaporates and you never see it again. A mortgage payment is almost always the better choice, unless you need to move frequently for work.
I merely meant that buying a house at a high interest rate is the irresponsible part. But yes, everything you say is true.
I’d argue even that being irresponsible. yeah high rates suck but you’re still paying on an asset, not a black hole.
Also, mortgages can be refinanced if/when rates drop later.
I refinanced at 3% then did a HELOC to pay for a new roof. One of the best decisions I ever made
Got a couple of retro consoles. I definitely don’t need them but it’s really nice.
3 gm/3 ml of oud oil for $650 plus shipping. Was amazing! No regrets whatsoever.
What do you use it for? Anything more than perfume?
I spent front money on a guitar at Goodwill when I was buying My mom all kinds of stuff. I was tripping balls and had convinced myself people were sneaking money into my wallet. I just wanted to show my mom a good time. A year later I El Kabonged a home invader with that very same guitar.
El Kabonged
Le mao
I’m glad I got the experience to El Kabong someone. It’s a hindsight appreciation edition of ‘I wish a fucker would’.
Someone I don’t really know all that well, last spoke at school, has an autistic niece. She lost her toy and was distraught, so her aunt put up a post on Facebook to say it was discontinued, and to ask if someone could locate a second hand one somewhere. I’m not really sure why, but I felt bad for her and thought that maybe I’ll use my Google-fu to help.
I did a reverse image lookup, found the original manufacturer, looked up one of the main execs, found their contact details against their personal domain, and asked them if they could help out. They said they’d be happy to help, and I said as a gesture of good will that I’d pay for the new toy - perhaps several so that she’ll always have one if it were to break.
After speaking to the owner, I had paid for several toys for an autistic girl I had never met - probably around £500 worth. The exec went a step further and flew to the UK to give her and her aunt the toys, probably for some good press. I never told the aunt it was me, and I told the exec to keep it between us. They put out a press release where I was referred to as a “mystery hero”, and said that for her they would resume that line of toys, with her receiving a custom version with her name attached. To their credit, he said her aunt and mother kept asking who the person was so they could thank me, but they stayed firm and said that it was up to me to reveal myself.
So, for £500 I made an autistic girl and her family happy, and got a nice photo of the workers with a note that said “thank you”. That money was supposed to go towards car repairs, but I decided that a month of walking and leftovers for lunch to make someone happy was worth it.
The world needs more people like you!
Woah get outta here with this wholesome shit, i came here to get an… Oh wait this isnt reddit. Carry on mate!
That was very Mr. Rodgers of you.
Dude you’re a fucking hero.
a month of walking and leftovers for lunch
probably did more good for your own health than the car repair would have
You made someone’s life measurably better. A goal anyone should driver to achieve. Good on you.
My most irresponsible purchase was definitely a high end stereo system. I got into it in college after hearing some amazing rigs. It’s the irresponsible thing I’ve always wanted but really couldn’t afford (starting life, marriage, kids, school bills, etc.). Eventually we had saved enough where we had some $ leftover after getting lucky timing things in the housing market.
I begged my wife like a kid begs his mom in a toy store (I’m not proud). She didn’t get it, but was all “do it if you want it that bad.” It. Is. Awesome. It has gotten used everyday for like 7 years now. My wife has even become a big fan - she “gets it now, this is awesome”
I have to pry her music away from it to play mine! :) My kid’s friends like to come over our house and hang out watching movies and listening to music on it. Totally frivolous and way too much money - but no single thing has brought people together quite like awesome music.
100% would do it again.
What set up do you have?
- Emotiva 5x200w modular amp
- Marantz pre pro
- Ascend acoustics towersx2 up front, sierra2’sx2 rears, horizonx1 center
- Pair of Rhythmik sealed 15’s, with integrated amps 600W each
- Misc. stuff - blue ray player and whatnot.
I really like the ascend stuff. Most of my audiophile friends can’t believe the bang for the buck. Tough purchase though - internet only. No easy way to demo unless you find someone in their forums willing to invite you over (which I’ve done).
I also really like the Rythmik subs, but only as a pair.
I hate my marantz. That’ll get replaced soon. I’ve got my eye on Anthem’s gear.
Amp is fine.
where we had some $ leftover
- Emotiva 5x200w modular amp - $3000
- Marantz pre pro - $3,199.00
- Ascend ELX TOWER SINGLE - $2,649.00
- Rythmik E15HP/HP2 15" Subwoofer - $1,599.00
Prices taken from first hit I found. Total ~$10500
I’m not judging (I acutally somewhat envy you), I am just saying that $10000 is more than some leftover money.
Moved across country for a job. Super high market to one less crazy. Had to do stupid things to buy into the first market, recouped that money and reinvested it back into my retirement (where it belonged) when we moved back. Decided to have some fun as well. “Leftover” in terms of housing money is where that term slipped out from.
It was insane $ for me ;) But it was something I wanted for almost 30 years and couldn’t afford. It’s insane what you can spend on stereo equipment. My wife and I both drove cars until they broke, 14 and 15 years, both over 350k miles. Some people buy sports cars - we chose a stereo ;)
Excellent and nice choices! I feel the same way about the Revel F208 speakers I bought a while back. Completely didn’t need them since the Revel F36 were already pretty good but oh was the improvement noticeable. I honestly don’t think I will replace them as long as the are working properly.
That would involve quite a bit of begging if I were to try that too.
Valve index vr set. It’s incredible how into a game you can het. First time I played half life alyx for 3 hours straight I had to touch a wall after stopping playing because I simply got so into tje game my brain didn’t know what reality was anymore.
Oh god the handover after your first long drive into VR is something else. Nothing felt real for me for a good few hours. Super weird experience.
I was looking at my hands, thinking how amazing the finger tracking is.
I played more Walkabout Mini Golf than all the real-life mini golf I’ve played combined
Walkabout mini golf and eleven table tennis are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. It is very literally unreal how unrealistic they are.
I just got the wallace and gromit course and that prompted me to watch my old W&G shorts collection dvd on my PS2 while eating nachos. Sometimes you need a little nostalgia.
I’ve been so tempted to buy this for several years now, but I just know the successor will be revealed two weeks after I buy one. D:
Buy one already! I wanna see what they come up with next.
I split my tongue in 2017. Zero regrets. I show it off all the time.
Hey! I never imagined I’d ever meet you. Big fan!
That gif kinda makes me want a split tounge now, looks like a fun way to eat noodles!(Innuendo not intended)
I don’t make big money irresponsible purchases, but I have spent money needlessly on Star Trek decorations for my house.
I have a picture of this one in my house somewhere, but I can’t find it, but I do own it. If you press the button, it plays the fight music. And it plays… and plays… and plays… for like 60 seconds!
That’s not irresponsible. That’s logical.
I bought a pick-up truck because I’ve wanted one ever since I was a kid and one day I just realized I’m an adult with money and I can buy whatever I want.
Well I started my own business a few years later so it turned out to be quite useful purchase in the end anyway
We bought a new house in our same town because it was slightly bigger and closer to the downtown area. We didn’t need to move, but did it anyway. Offer accepted in February of 2020, rate locked at the end of March.
I bought my house July 2019.
Got the lowest price the market had seen and the lowest rate in decades.
I’ll never fucking move at this point
Bought a Steam Deck during a fit of depression deapite not traveling much and having a full gamer PC.
Turns out it’s really nice for the few times I do travel (especially on long train rides) and when laying in bed after just waking up.
Talk about “Rise and grind”
That snack pack at 3am.
Most of my photography gear falls under “well, that money could have been spent more wisely”. But photography has been one of my major ways of dealing with depression, so I absolutely don’t regret it. I can’t really put into words how good it felt to finally get a Camera That Didn’t Suck.