Alternatively: It is not (and generally not even encrypted) and he just happened to be in contempt.
Plenty of military-oriented and shady-business going in in there.
There’s still the possibility that the authorities wanted to go after specific someones with a proper warrant and Durov blocked it. No country on earth goes for that.
you know Telegram is secure when governments are trying to arrest the founder.
The French kidnapping of Pavel Durov is a huge violation of human rights.
Alternatively: It is not (and generally not even encrypted) and he just happened to be in contempt.
Plenty of military-oriented and shady-business going in in there.
There’s still the possibility that the authorities wanted to go after specific someones with a proper warrant and Durov blocked it. No country on earth goes for that.
We’ll get to know the charges soon enough.
Write to your local MEP?
there is probably french word for that
That doesn’t make it secure. (It isn’t)