Walking home from the bus stop, this much younger little kindergarten girl who I could tell had a crush on me, turned to me and said, “you drive me cookoo bananas!” then hastily turned into the street without looking where she was immediately hit by an oncoming car and launched literally like 5 meters.
I can still see her flying through the air in slow motion in my memory.
The neighborhood Mom who hit her was inconsolable.
Best part of the story (and the only reason I would relay such a tragic event in this thread): she was somehow almost unscathed and was at school the next week no worse for the wear by all accounts.
She more than earned the nickname, “Fender Bender” given to her by the mean kids.
Walking home from the bus stop, this much younger little kindergarten girl who I could tell had a crush on me, turned to me and said, “you drive me cookoo bananas!” then hastily turned into the street without looking where she was immediately hit by an oncoming car and launched literally like 5 meters.
I can still see her flying through the air in slow motion in my memory.
The neighborhood Mom who hit her was inconsolable.
Best part of the story (and the only reason I would relay such a tragic event in this thread): she was somehow almost unscathed and was at school the next week no worse for the wear by all accounts.
She more than earned the nickname, “Fender Bender” given to her by the mean kids.
Glad she was okay, damn. That story made me remember Stacy from Wayne’s World