Isn’t half the advantage of the pantsuit that its maneuverable? Auto cannon plus missiles plus mobile, no?
It still is mobile, it can go a bit up and down.
Havent seen these before. Kinda crazy looking
Holy shit was today years old when I learned that Flak Towers weren’t just a thing made up in videogames for final bosses.
In fact they didn’t die because the removal would be sooooo fucking expensive that most of them are “retired” into other purposes for now.
Like seriously, these things are massive steel and concrete Castels, removing them is possible but super hard.
I guess that they can probably support a lot of weight, more than a typical building. I don’t know what would be that heavy and something that you’d want elevated, though.
I guess it’d be possible to set a water tower up on them.
One of the Hamburg ones just got a hotel and a public park of sorts installed on top, so that’s one option I guess…
Vienna made on to an aquarium (Haus des Meeres
When you buy Flakturm on Wish
First as tragedy, then as farce.