Warning to all Brave Browser Users
Blocking variations.brave.com which is used for A/B testing could potentially break Brave’s functionalities. For me did Brave’s “forgetful browsing” feature broke which seems to be disabled by default if you block this domain.
You really just shouldn’t use brave…
so what you want people to use opera or Chromnius
None of these. Use Firefox.
Use a fork of firefox
Or just use firefox?
Stock Firefox is almost as bad as Google Chrome
Idk wtf you’re saying. You mean stock firefox as in firefox with no settings changed? If so, it’s not great but in no way as bad as chrome. That’s just a ridiculous statement. That being said, hardened Firefox is fine and it’s not very hard to do. By harden i mean common sense tweaks. I don’t use arkenfox or anything. I think it’s overkill at that point.
Its better than Chrome, Edge, and any other proprietary spyware browser
Check out Vivaldi then.
Firefox based browsers exits and if you need chromium based there are also other degooled browser available.
True but don’t you think brave is better than chrome?
In the same way that I think 3rd degree burns are better than 4th degree burns
I think you mean 3rd degree burns compared to second degree burns but I get what you are saying
? 4th degree burn is a real thing
True but its basicly the same as 3rd degree burn. You will basicly never see it in the field