GDI Titans if GDI were even more based.
Anyone else getting Metal Gear Solid 4 vibes?
I immediately heard snake go “metal gear”
That’s clearly L3-37.
That was my immediate reaction, looks like those Gekkos
Let’s just go full head-canon. Gekkos are infantry support, they can step to IFVs and the like, but in my head a MBT would shred a Gekko.
So you need something bigger for urban warfare that can stand up to an Abram’s.
Geckos are small and nimble, Komodo’s are heavier and much more deadly.
Add in a similar mutation to the spelling and you get the Kommodo
My mind went to Legend of Korra S4
Hey baby, does that ERA go all the way up?
Its even funnier that it is still a manned vehicle
I think you mean womaned vehicle
If you can handle me as fire support, you don’t deserve me at my assualt.
You are fucking degen… But she look thick as fuck.
“what part of the giant sniper mech do you work in?”
“the bodacious hips”
Damn, that armor thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.
Looks like a Glitter Boy
Do Abrams next
This is just tau simping with extra steps.
On an unrelated note, needs mo’ dakka and mo’ choppa
I was thinking an Elder Titan, but your second point stands.
No self respecting eldari would ever pilot such a block headed abomination. Replace the turret with a giant psychic eggplant and you’d be talking.
Lol, fair enough!
Combined arms maneuvers takes a whole 'nother meaning with that.
Anybody see where you put the fuel nozzle?