Edit: while I’m at it, does anyone know what I should do when I’m waiting for a coincidence/adventure to happen, but it never comes? I can’t really go outside and arrange for it to happen because I don’t know what I’m looking for.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    The most-predictable method I know-of, for producing inability-to-plan, is chaotic/incomprehensible parenting or home-situation:

    The child learns that there is no cause-effect relationship, that no planning is going to produce any results, & this lesson alters their unconscious brain-wiring … by the age of 7?

    Possibly younger.

    WHEN life is irrational & chaotic, THEN planning is wasted-effort, & only immediate-gratification produces any worthwhile results.

    That sabotage-of-a-life isn’t undoable.

    Worse, it’s self-perpetuating, generation on generation.

    Breaking the cycle … how could it happen?

    You’d need to break the brokenness in the parenting, itself, & you’d need to do it consistently, for the next-generation, so they grew-up with stable & trustworthy parenting, through years of young-childhood…

    how could such result be created.

    No population would tolerate such alteration of their family-process, would they?