I know Telegram is good, because every Western government is trying to shut it down.
Exactly what I thought.
Signal fans won’t agree, but I do
It isn’t good unless you like CSAM and drugs
Even then it is still pretty bad as it is easy to identify people on Telegram
It makes it easy to identify people doing bad things. Task failed successfully.
I like drugs. I guess I should install telegram. Do the dealers just populate themselves as a service or what?
Thanks, random netizen, for telling me about a method to obtain drugs of which I was unaware!
(Jk, it’s not popular enough here for that, but if it was… I’d still just use signal ;) )
Dealers as a Service
I’d pay that subscription. 100%.
Telegram is good for keeping the streets clean that’s for sure
Street dealing is desperation, a symptom, almost always socially inflicted.
If telegram is keeping the streets clean, that says a lot about the society in which it functions.
(Every country has its own illicit market, it’s just where that takes place and what is restricted that matters… no legislation is ever going to rid the illicit market. Ever. It exists for a reason, whatever reason. Just make the majority of it (self-harm drugs and the like) legal and the illegal rings for other stuff are a lot easier to spot. Those will be the things that should be illegal, not drugs which primarily harm adults able to consent to doing them. Let’s do the Portugal method of decrim and social support. Even if it isn’t perfect, it’s good.)
They primarily want it shut down because it has enabled citizen journalism that they can’t control and that is a threat to status quo. Not because people can sell drugs, do money laundering, organize terrorism or share cp on there, that’s just the excuse for it. Like it has been for every outreach against privacy and freedom of information.
Ukraine and palestine have probably been the main motivator for this push against telegram. Like Russians can share it’s view of the war to almost a billion eye pairs. Western media and adjacent political power and institutions have awoken to the fact and find it untenable when they can’t enforce media and information blockade on people. It’s not even about the western population since telegram is much more popular in the third world that it’s in the west.
.ml of course
Telegram is not a privacy respecting app regardless of what country tries to ban it, wether you like it or not
Fuck, all my goddamn piracy groups
that’s exactly my concern since all this ordeal started, since i started using Telegram 7/6 years ago i only saw 3 or 4 channels taken down for copyright infringement hopefully it doesn’t change after this but i doubt it.
My quest VR and Fitgirl release groups…
They’ll move somewhere else
Matrix?..discord is not an optional since they Thanos snap groups at the whim of IP holders