This misses the most important part.
Every other part of history is crammed just before the 1900s, as a big lump sum. Who cares how long ago the 1600s are, it’s basically the same as the 1900s, right?
This misses the most important part.
Every other part of history is crammed just before the 1900s, as a big lump sum. Who cares how long ago the 1600s are, it’s basically the same as the 1900s, right?
If you haven’t already come across them, you should check out some of the communities over on, we’ve got stuff from urban development and farming to transport, tech, and aesthetics :)
There used to be, but it was mostly men commenting, and mostly men upvoting, which drowns out any actual women’s voices that may have been there.
Pretty sure all the woman-focused subs have shut down.
I don’t really think there’s anything that can be done other than policing your own and letting the platform grow.
It’s a whole vibe thing, not just obvious stuff.
For example, whenever there were questions aimed at women (hey ladies, what’s your hair routine? Sort of thing), it’s nothing but a bunch of men spouting off about what their wives or girlfriends do, and maybe a few actual women, but their comments always ended up buried. Nobody actually wants that “the woman in my life does this, I think…” sort of input at all, except other men (which unfortunately is the vast majority of the platform, so those “as a man” comments get heavily upvoted, even when they are obviously full of complete shit). It drowns out the few female voices that actually are around. And if you correct some dude in a post for women voices, about something men typically know nothing about, you’ll get heavily downvoted for it. Not at all welcoming.
I know we have some strong transfem comms, and I’m all for it because all women are women, but the experience of those women is wildly different from cis women, and a lot of the memes and stuff coming from those comms are sort of… cis-excluding and often very off-putting. Which is sort of the only fem representation on here.
It’s just not friendly for women. And so so many things need to change before it really is.
Which is wild considering the spice trades of the… (according to the internet, prehistory through modernity, so that’s a thing…)
I have to assume that 1950s housewives were so thoroughly drugged up that they couldn’t tell the difference…
I know that they made everything in jello/aspic because gelatin was formerly a luxury, like sugar and basically any spices, so they went a bit batshit when they got cheap access…
No, but it also isn’t calorie-neutral, or calorie-reducing like fad diets claim…
Not a veggie in sight, so your whole digestive motility was based on alcoholic diarrhea. (Been there…)
So fashionable to shit yourself in public in white dresses.
I used to be the same but then I sobered up somewhat and now I’m only 10% wine. (depending on the day… usually 0%! Sometimes 90%…)
I only mention Lemmy as a caution, like what to avoid, while I’m mentioning other fediverse social media…
Because I’m a woman and most of the people I know who want social media alternatives are also women, and I’m not subjecting them to this shitshow. I like them too much to bring them here.
Fun, lighthearted, fact: the term blowing smoke originates from an old drowning resuscitation practice, in which blowing smoke up the butt of a drowning person was supposed to bring them around.
Obviously it didn’t work, but people still did it for a long time in spite of that, and thus “blowing smoke up my ass” as a phrase to mean being intentionally dishonest.
I spent 172 hours retrying the final boss fight on ff8. I mistakenly saved just before the end boss with 2 phoenix downs, a handful or potions and ethers, and not much else. It took weeks to beat her alone.
I learned many things in those multiple weeks of doing basically the same thing over and over again, with minor tweaks to strategy… the first of which is always maintain a second save at least 3 hours prior to the current save. The second thing was never have an empty inventory even if you legit never bother using any of it. Don’t sell anything until you hit max stax.
And finally I learned that sometimes trying the same exact thing for the 20th time actually does work for reasons. And that was on like ps1 framework. A lot more stuff is a lot more random now.
Sounds like a really good reason not to let an animal you care about roam town on their own…
But what do I know.
(Kitty convict project represent!)
This reminds me of a story I saw once (screenshot of someone’s post). I’m probably butchering this, I can’t find it.
They were talking to their very young niece or something about becoming a success, and the kid asked if it was a lot, and she said she needed to get accepted to college, take a bunch of classes to graduate, and find a job after, and the kid said “thats easy, it’s only three things.”
And so I have a friend who also struggles with neurospicy, and we try to simplify each other’s lives by saying “yeah, but that (enormous thing you need to do) is only two things!” And when either of us gets a lot done, whatever number of tasks gets listed, we say “I’m so proud of you, that’s so many things!”
So it feels a lot better to break things down strategically, but it can also help to strategically underplay them :). the external support has also been a blessing, but in a totally different way.
Have literally never seen that sub tag used in any way but as an insult, but alright, I’ll take your word for it.
Haha, I totally understand. I don’t trust those guides at all.
I’m a language lover myself (I like learning, but I’m not super intro practice ;) so I learn about how languages work instead!) and if there’s anything I’ve learned about language it is this:
It does not matter how you sound or what you actually say as long as the message you intended to get across actually gets across to whomever you mean to hear it. If people mispronounce, it is usually either regional (and thus correct for them) or something they read and have never heard anyone say. If they use the wrong word but it’s kinda right, they are probably language learners.
This was galvanized for me when I took an art history class as a general education credit in college. I learned that clerestory is pronounced clear-story. I’d only ever read the word before that, and thought it was more in line with modern patterns to be CLE-rest-ory, which is embarrassingly wrong. I’d been reading it that way for years.
Your sister sounds like a language prescriptivist, and they are always wrong, because language simply doesn’t work like that.
That’s just rude. I like knowing random things and sharing them with people. I have a literal degree built around doing that. You don’t have to think I’m being genuine if you don’t want to, but this is my experience.
This pairs nicely with anxiarrhea: the shits you get when you get really anxious, especially prevalent in the morning before work.
I don’t think that’s a word, just what I call it…
I wouldn’t either, and I’m one of the people who knows me.
I actually have a number of games that are Ubisoft that I love. They aren’t super new or anything, but they aren’t flops by my metrics (granted, I bought them used long after launch)
I didn’t know they were when I got them, then the ubiconnect thing comes up and I just don’t do that, and it’s just a game that takes longer to load than it should.
Idk about any super bad practices, maybe PC is different from console stuff? (which is how I play, hence used game market, because I can sell it later if needs must) or is this something that spans console as well? What sort of bad practices?
If it’s the primary, do you keep those drives with OS pre-installed on them, or is there like… some sort of bios-like built in to hold the ummm… OS image…? And what about the programs and files and stuff? All vpn/network accessed?
Hopefully you can sort out what that is asking… I know just enough about computers to fix Linux problems… if other people have posted about them… usually… with significant effort.