I mean… clown hall anyone?
This gif is amazing.
Oh man, that video was a painful watch. He then immediately switched to directly calling Kamala a communist and a Marxist. It is absolutely insane that there aren’t more people walking out on him when he insults his audience’s intelligence like that.
when he insults his audience’s intelligence like that.
Firstly, they must have some intelligence to insult.
You can’t insult something that doesn’t exist.
It’s hilarious how out of touch Republican rhetoric is becoming considering there are a sizeable number of Democrats who think the party leadership and people like Harris, Biden, and Clinton are essentially right-wing politicians at this point.
Calling them communists or socialists is quite the joke when they’d be more than happy to bail out corporations, protect predatory businesses, or pass draconian laws at the expense of the populace.
It’s also fun to take the wind of out of the sails of far-right individuals online by pointing this out when they rant about the “socialist, communist, Marxists” running for office.
They are right wing. The main issue is that it’s just impossible to convince the MAGA crowd to vote in their own best interest. So instead the battle ranges around suburbanites, who are generally well off and don’t want to change the system too much.
Is it really an insult when it’s an honest and accurate statement, though?
My mindset is that these people were tricked, and fell in far too deep. It’s like sunk cost fallacy: "I can’t say I’m wrong now, I’ve been the laughingstock of the family for 8 years! This time I’ll show 'em!
Eh I think it’s actually a little more sinister than that, I perceive a lot of these people as victims of a new type of cold war - cyber warfare including propaganda and election interference. Many of them have visible or otherwise obvious disabilities, genuinely. That they lack certain cognitive skills is exactly why they fell victim to this. And then once those people, the easy marks, started flocking there, all the other predators came after them too. It’s kinda sickening. Disabled people are one of the most abused groups of people along with children and the elderly.
Everyone deserves a vote and deserves to go to town halls and other campaign events. However there should really be something done about predatory practices done by campaigns and people who attend campaign events. They aren’t supposed to be there to sell books, they’re supposed to be earning votes and proposing policy. Anything aside from that should be scrutinized at minimum.
Whilst harris is more close to marx than trump, she is still in safe distance from communism.
Yes. We know that.
We’re not his audience, though. His base is his audience. And yes, they’re eating that shit up.
Harris is a Marxist?
If you find an actual Marxist that doesn’t despise Harris’ positions, let me know.
I assume that the people’s whose intelligence is being insulted is trump’s base- by telling those blatant and self evident lies.
We all know she’s not Marxist. But trump likes telling his base she is. (And they’re stupid enough to believe him.)
So weird that he does not know what he is doing.
Bro wtf my bf on fentanyl is more lucid than this guy.
I don’t know your bf, but it would be hard not to.
I think he’s really weird.
LOL you guys have TDS LOL! Imagine if this was DEMENTIA JOE on stage you wouldn’t even CARE!
It’s specifically that I did care which is why I’m glad he dropped out. Are you really not aware that’s a big reason Harris has such popularity?
Check the history, they’re a specific kind of troll. I read every post from them with an implied /s
When someone isn’t even on the ballot you usually don’t care. There’s less than six months left on his term. It’s really weird to bring the president up at this point, just like dumpy tries to rant about him as an opponent even though he’s been out for many weeks now.
If Harris was acting like she was incoherent in most speeches i’d start worrying but so far that hasn’t been the case. Dumpy has been incoherent for the better part of a year, if not way longer. I think his fans either ignore his speeches or are so weird that they can’t think critically, there’s just no other rationale.
Your schtick works better when you put a joke in there.
Don’t worry fam, Biden won’t get a single vote.
Why do you people RANDOMLY scatter ALL caps words through EVERYTHING you write?
Is it SOME sort of Pavlovian THING? Like you see a SENTENCE with a random assortment OF all caps words, and THAT says to you that IT’S the kind of FAKE truth you PREFER?
They’re doing a boomer novelty account thing.
They don’t know markdown to make stuff stand out, so they have to resort to FULLCAPS.
Aww little buddy’s getting all them big feels out, so adorable! Good job champ.
You poor, dumb little Trumper. Must be scary being so stupid but that’s still no excuse for being an ignorant little fuck stain.
Says the guy obsessing over a candidate that’s no longer even running. You must have BiDeN DeRaNgEmEnT SyNdRoMe XD XD
Of course not. They are obviously suffering from Obama Derangement Inferiority Occupational Unawareness Syndrome (ODIOUS).
Geez. I really had to reach to get that acronym to work.
Stay mad bro, it’s all you have. That and Vance cumshots i guess
Some people call him a stable genious. He passed a cognitive test don’t you know. Man, Woman, TV, Camera, Lights.
At this rate, in 2 months his campaign slogan will be ‘meep’
Person woman man camera TV
lol I was pretty close considering I was just pointing out it was a string of things he was seeing at that moment. A game of “I Spy with my little eye” in real time.
I hate that this takes up space in my brain
Some people call him a stable genious.
Some call him the gangster of dumb
Some people call him Mo Lester
‘Cause he reeks of pompousness of Trump
Cause he’s a grifter
A word-twister,
A campaign fund lifter
He takes his pictures on some graves
He’s a groper
(among other things)
Some people call him Les Reece
Grab em by the peach tree
Waaa waaaa
When he is talking about stable genius he means three building.
His campaign song should be ooga booga big, ooga booga strong, I’m gonna sing my ooga booga song
(Especially considering nobody else will let him use their music)
Ok, but this is a direct quote. Oh holy … what a time to be alive.
I had to verify myself. It’s even more batshit with more context. After that the bing bongs and weird gesticulations he says “you know what that is, right?” wtf no we have no idea wtf that is lmao
But you not understanding him just proves how much of a genius he is! /s
When dementia strikes a tiny mind.
I really hope he is this disoriented at the debate.
“This is a debate? Why Doesn’t Someone Tell Me This Stuff?”
“Ms. Harris your time is up, Mr. Trump, how do you respond?” “I’ll get a large chocolate shake, a 20 box of nuggets, uh… a fish delight, and a large fries”
“After the debate, Trump gained 5 percentage points in the polls.”
A chocolate shake and a 20 piece is my order too, he’s just like me!
And… Flapjacks!
Too early for flapjacks?
If you actually believe for a second we’ll have that debate, I have a lovely bridge connecting Crimea to Novorossiysk that I can let you have an absolute bargain, Brand new, never used, it’s perfect for the middle-class professional on the go!
There are hundreds of party operatives right now desperately trying to find a way to get him to think he’ll look stronger if he turns down the debate. The closer we get, the more excuses he’ll spit out.
Bet. There’s no way trump backs out of the debate this close, he’d have to endure being called out as a coward whose afraid to debate Kamala
Eh I think Trump himself thinks he wants it, plus to be on TV with someone actually popular to try and show them up which he’s already convinced himself he can do. Overall it seems like a coin toss, he doesn’t have the best aides to hold him back these days and he can’t turn down a TV camera.
Does his narcissism win or does logic win? That’s the question you want to think about for the president of the country with the largest military force in the world heh, time for a drink.
He does, his narcissism tells him he beat Biden by being himself, chosen of God (also played by himself).
But the fear and insecurity will grow, and it will be fostered by those around him, there will be crazy conspiracy ideas like Jan 6, and eventually he’ll convince himself that somehow if he doesn’t debate her, she can’t win for legal reasons.
You’re trying to use rational logic for a delusional man, good luck with that.
I’d take that bet. Trump is stupid enough to think he can walk in and steamroll Harris because she’s a woman and a person of color. I would be VERY surprised if his team could convince him to bail, regardless of whatever reason they can come up with.
Yep, everyone around him will give him advice to his advantage and he’ll ignore it then blame them when he doesn’t follow their advice
The betting odds are 96% that they’ll debate. No need to sell a bridge, you stand to gain 25 to 1 if theres no debate. You are way off what the market predicts.
If you actually believe for a second we’ll have that debate, I have a lovely bridge
Plenty of people were confident that he wouldn’t agree to the first debate muting the mics.
Many more proclaimed that he wouldn’t even show up for that first debate.
I’ve given up trying to predict what Trump might do next.
Want to wager on it? Loser donates $20 to Harris?
Man, Woman, TV, Camera, Lights.
Is this a CAPTCHA?
He’s so old, why do they keep making him run?
It’s elder abuse!
On brand.
He’s like a ventriloquist dummy, they just pack him up and put him on a stage, then he shoves his own hand up his ass and makes mouth noises.
this sort of breathless headline does not the former guy. people who like him are like, ‘oh he’s just off the cuff brash’, but no he’s like a toddler with a big box of toy guns
Does not what?
“does not accurately reflect”… shit. i don’t know. it’s like a puzzle i completed 99.9%. Found the missing piece the day after I set the whole thing on fire. Actually no it’s like that analogy does not even work, but shit this is not going well.
Except the toy guns are loaded with real bullets.
At one point he has access to nukes!
It does sort of amaze me that we didn’t have a military coup happen because he ordered a nuclear strike on a hurricane or a random country that he got too upset at.
Not being from the USA, I can’t find what a “Town Hall” means in this context, does anyone care to explain?
Basically, it’s a smaller, informal rally. Usually there’s a stump speech followed by question and answer periods.
The tone and flavor tend to be wildly different depending on who’s running it.
Thanks; I thought “his town hall” meant that the town’s administrative building (Rathaus) was named after Trump.
Well you could call the buildings with his name on them rat houses
What do you want to bet he was told and ignored it?
Literally all money I have access to.
Hell, I’d make that bet on margin
My bet is he was told and forgot. Ol Dementia Don at it again.
You just can’t find good help these days after surrounding yourself with yes-men, repeatedly firing your staff, implicating them in your crimes, insulting and harassing them, and spending all week golfing and eating cheeseburgers instead of preparing for campaign events.
And then not paying them
Old Donny doesn’t know what he’s doing.