Gustavo Petro’s statement, worth a read:
Trump, I don’t like traveling to the U.S. much, it’s a bit boring, but I confess there are worthy things. I like to go to the Black neighborhoods of Washington. There, I saw a whole fight in the capital of the U.S. between Blacks and Latinos, with barricades, which seemed to me like nonsense, because they should unite.
I confess that I like Walt Whitman, Paul Simon, Noam Chomsky, and Miller.
I confess that Sacco and Vanzetti, who have my blood, in the history of the U.S., are memorable and I follow them. They were murdered for being labor leaders with the electric chair by the fascists who are inside the U.S. just as they are in my country.
I don’t like your oil, Trump, you are going to end the human species with greed. Maybe one day, along with a drink of whisky—which I accept despite my gastritis—we can talk frankly about this, but it’s difficult because you consider me an inferior race, and I am not, nor is any Colombian.
So if you are looking for a stubborn person, that’s me, period. You can try to stage a coup with your economic power and arrogance, like you did with Allende. But I will die by my law, I withstood torture, and I resist you. I don’t want slave owners on Colombia’s side, we already had many and we freed ourselves. Who I want to be on Colombia’s side are lovers of freedom. If you can’t join me, I will go elsewhere. Colombia is the heart of the world, and you didn’t understand it. This is the land of the yellow butterflies, the beauty of Remedios, but also of Colonel Aureliano Buendía, one of whom I am, perhaps the last.
You will kill me, but I will survive in my town, which came before yours, in the Americas. We are peoples of the winds, the mountains, the Caribbean Sea, and freedom.
You don’t like our freedom, fine. I do not shake hands with white slave owners. I shake the hands of libertarian whites, heirs of Lincoln, and of the Black and white rural boys from the U.S., in front of whose graves I cried and prayed on a battlefield, which I reached after walking through the mountains of Tuscany and after saving myself from COVID.
They are the US, and before them, I kneel, before no one else.
Overthrow me president, and the Americas and humanity will respond.
Colombia, now stop looking to the north, look to the world, our blood comes from the blood of the Caliphate of Córdoba, the civilization of that time, from the Roman Latins of the Mediterranean, the civilization of that time, who founded the republic, democracy in Athens; our blood carries the resistant Black people who were turned into slaves by you. In Colombia lies the first free territory of the Americas, before Washington, of all the Americas, I take refuge there in their African songs.
My land is of the goldsmiths that existed in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, and of the first artists in the world in Chiribiquete.
You will never dominate us. The warrior who rode our lands, shouting freedom, and who is called Bolívar, opposes you.
Our peoples are somewhat fearful, somewhat shy, they are naive and kind, lovers, but they will know how to win back the Panama Canal, which you took from us with violence. Two hundred heroes from all over Latin America lie in Bocas del Toro, now Panama, before Colombia, whom you murdered.
I raise a flag, and as Gaitán said, even if I am alone, it will remain raised with Latin American dignity, which is the dignity of America, which your great-grandfather didn’t know, but mine did, Mr. President, immigrant in the US.
Your blockade does not scare me because Colombia, in addition to being the country of beauty, is the heart of the world. I know you love beauty as I do, don’t disrespect it, and it will offer you its sweetness.
I have been informed that you impose a 50% tariff on the fruit of our human labor to enter the US, I will do the same.
Let our people plant corn, which was discovered in Colombia, and feed the world.
Mexico, Panama, Greenland, et al might want to remember Russia’s playbook for occupying Crimea … The little green men quietly flooding in on vacation. I can see some copycat bullshit happening from the u.s.
Cops going around and asking about purple rocks would cause a tiny stir. A kid would be aware of that and entertained. This is pre- internet and It’s Soviet culture. I’m not supporting the Soviets, but people talked to each other, which is generically quite positive.
You are not criticizing the OP, I guess, because you acknowledge their point, that it was meaningless, but it was entertaining to distract the Stasi. But you are criticizing the OP, because you think the Stasi were so competent?
It’s a slippery slope. There’s no sense or consistency to allowing books of religion but not books of philosophy, which are also often not credible. Some new age manosphere grifter would love to get their trash into jail. Or whatever’s going as the Celestine Prophecy or the Secret these days. Or The Game, lol
Since they’re westerners there at the jail in Kentucky, I’d like some David Hume or John Locke. Kant is good, requires a lot of focus, might get you twisted up with anxiety, Marx or Hegel if you’re even more masochistic. it would be amazing to sneak in some 20th century Spanish antifascist text, but that might turn out to be anachronistic. I’d say you need a dictionary for much of this, but same with the bible.
FOSS in general … and FOSS social media … is a leftist answer to capitalist social media …
This is how you can tell me you’re a troll and know nothing of the history of personal computing.
[Tried to approximate the quote, couldn’t copy and paste on mobile]
Edit: not sure if you were sarcastic or not, based on other comments. Either my instance or my mobile browser makes it hard to see everything in a coherent way.
Yeah this is absurd.
You described Lorena Bobbitt more or less. Ashli Babbitt was a Jan 6 rioter (at the u.s. capitol) shot by police.
Fuck this timeline.
Could be one and not the other. Could be after you die you become a happy sentient green baby poo only to get wiped away. Could be good things after tho
So you’ve never worked in low-level management for say, Amazon, or a non-profit like the American Red Cross. Or whatever. Cool!
Cavalry is horse mounted soldiers. Calvary is some bible thing.
it’s been a fantastic cinematic device in some of the best, most cheesiest american movies. brazil. and total recall. that’s two!
i didn’t mean to misrepresent myself. i speak german, but not natively. it is a fantastic language for terrifying phrases like “just chillin, how you?” or “weapons of mass destruction”. not doing it now because fuck the gimmick.
can’t disagree but it’s literally a stone age problem. the same logic has led to nuclear proliferation and doctrines of mutual assured destruction. that sounds much more terrifying in german but I can’t find the correct translation atm. not to mention capitalism and the proliferation of killing machines for profit.
in short, i think taking the bullets out of your stupid little gun is the right way to go. try it. you won’t die.
as a kid i enjoyed rolling up on my bike and pressing the “Send” button and then getting the bored bank teller response on the loudspeaker: “uh… thank you?”
still sad that pneumatic tubes are not used for transportation.
and that’s what your 2A right earns you. people with even less self-awareness or judgment than me are just walking around everywhere you go with guns in their pockets.
i don’t understand. is she complaining about the embarassment?
as a citizen scientist, i strongly disagree. you speak of shellfish, academically! while a lonely starving writer from some seacoast shithole makes up a bunch of shit. As Cthculu the god of unspellable god names would like to remind you, hi!
Klingon is a known reprobate from several hundred years in the future. We know his father was descended from Worf, a most fierce and honorable warrior the likes we’ve never heard, because it hasn’t happened yet. But his works completely failed to address the Atlantic Multi-Donged Squid, which attacked the Sydney coast repeatedly in March of 2020.