Nobody should pay that much for a cellphone.
$25 dollars a month
unlimited text call and data uses Verizon’s network$20 off your first month with my code:
Using my code or not please switch to something like this Google Fi or mint mobile and save yourself the money. These greedy telecom giants don’t need it.
What’s their data caps before throttling?
It looks like 50gb of data
The 50gb is for the $45 plan. On the $25 plan, Verizon will prioritize others whenever there is congestion.
That’s not bad for the $349 a year price at all, since it also comes with unlimited hotspot. Better than what mint offers.
You have to pay a full year at a time, but Mint has a $15 a month plan. 5 GB of data, but I’m almost always near WiFi, so that’s plenty. I generally use less than 80%, cause I don’t always get that message in the last couple days of the month.
T-Mobile has the same plan, no commitment. Search for T-Mobile connect plans.
Kind of a dick move and frankly embarrassing that you think this is righteous. That is not a bot, that is a real person.
No look they have job postings for language models
It’s kinda embarrassing when you have to run your business like that
How is that the fault of the individual providing customer support who is likely making minimum wage? What can they realistically do about it?
This is the equivalent of cussing out the person working the drive-through at McDonalds because corporate raised the prices…and then telling everyone about it.
Your anger and frustration is valid. What AT&T did is shitty. How you handled these feelings was a bit cruel and could use some reflection and improvement.
Please point to the part where I cussed someone out, and to the unreasonable questions I made.
Forcing someone, who is being paid to help you, to listen to your angry manifesto and then responding passive aggressively to them is a dick move in my books.
Where’s this manifesto? And I’m still trying to see where I cussed the bot out…
It’s really embarrassing to speak to someone who’s almost certainly being paid a shit wage because you’re mad at someone like 15 steps up the corporate ladder. This is the equivalent of going to a McDonald’s drive through and trying to hold the cashier personally responsible for their pricing. You aren’t helping yourself or them, you’re just making everyone’s day worse.
It’s really embarrassing to speak to someone who’s almost certainly being paid a shit wage because you’re mad at someone like 15 steps up the corporate ladder.
This is the source of frustration for me when dealing with some situations. If I could speak to someone actually accountable, that would be fantastic.
it’s ok, it was a bot and I did get a better rate.
You are way, way worse at spotting bots than you think you are.
I may also work in data analysis and been enjoying this ride
No, it’s okay, you see, they
got a better rategot their fruit pie that the drive-thru forgot to put in the bag.
You aren’t wrong that telecom companies are trashy, but being a dick to a support agent isn’t the right way to go. Support staff are more willing to help and work with you if you aren’t yelling at them right out the gate and blaming them for something they have no control over.
Seems like it’s just a bot
Yeah this ours likely screaming into a void.
Almost 100% of the time, when the human actually comes on the call, you end up having to explain your problem again, and usually even “confirm your account details” that you already entered into the automated service before waiting.
It is typed text, not yelling or throwing slurs around.
Doesn’t matter in the least, customer service reps will not give a single fuck about helping you if you treat them like that
Not sure how to tell you this, but they don’t give a fuck to being with.
Tell me you’ve never worked in call center without telling me you’ve never worked in a call center.
It’s up there with never having worked retail or food service.
TIL repeated exposure to abuse is consequence free in the absence of audio or capslock
TIL expressing any level of frustration with a company is abusive yelling.
expressing any level of frustration
Not what they said at all, but sure.
i mean, it scales with service, and like they said 1200 dollars a year, on a monthly plan, and they don’t even have real customer service, what a troll
When half the comments in here are claiming its just a bot, it’s more about dehumanization than yelling my dude.
Cool, cool.
I wasn’t responding to those posts though.
Yeah, find their executive offices and steal packages, piss on the doors, light a few fires, harvest some thumbs. Support agents in India can’t alter company structure, but fear and confusion can!
Yeah, usually I save this rant for the end when I ask if I can provide some feedback on the company policy specifically.
If you look closer they aren’t with an agent. They’re liking only getting an agent because of what they said. So many of these companies play games with auto generated messages that to get an agents requires either 100 different messages or 1 really angry sounding one. You gotta do what you gotta do to get someone nowadays.
I go above and beyond for those who deserve it. People who act like an asshole only ever get the bare minimal from me and most support I have seen in my fields. Often times it takes much longer to help them as well, as if I have 10 people I need to call, and 9 have been nice, I certainly am not starting my day off by calling someone who acts like an ass to me. Probably send an email instead so it is in writing, once I’m done helping everyone else who has been nice.
Most are just going to laugh at you and be as unhelpful as possible if you come at them like that. You’re just giving them an excuse to stick to the script and tell you to pound sand. If you let them know it’s not personal but you’re angry at the company and keep your approach professional they’re much more likely to think outside the box, bend the rules, or escalate your issue to get things taken care of.
Work in customer care, can confirm that.
I worked a while for phone customer service (don’t recommend even to my worst enemies) and we only gave nice stuff to angry people. Basically I couldn’t do anything on my level other than follow the script, but if they asked for a supervisor they usually they got their issues solved more quickly and with some free stuff included, so after that experience I always try to be polite at the beginning but if they are not being helpful I ask them to escalate my issue and play angry
I ask them to escalate my issue and play angry
Like, obviously play-angry, or is it convincing? The ‘crazy gaijin’ scene from Rising Sun (1993) or what?
Here is an idea. Hold the companies accountable that implements these sorts of things. Oh wait we can’t because it’s a monopoly of the same shit. Let’s have the government intervene, oh wait. We did and they made net neutrality null and void. And people wonder why they are pissed off at the crappy company that takes them for a ride while still being crappy.
Not taking it out on the person is 100 percent not fair. But they represent the company that is shit. And this crap was predicted back in the 90s by countless artists. Musical and performance. Buckle up. It’s gonna get worse unless they get some pushback and start losing billions.
Greed dumbs down everyone that suffers from it
Sure shows too by the way op is harassing a customer service rep like it’s their fault.
what customer service rep? I don’t see one!
“an representative”.
Also misspelt “even”, and ended a sentence with a preposition.
Ending sentences with prepositions is fine. Everyone does it. Language evolves. Move on.
That’s a fake rule tacked onto English in imitation of Latin from Romeaboos in the Enlightenment, and it’s only a rule in Latin because it doesn’t make grammatical sense, unlike in English. It hasn’t been taken seriously since the 20th century, except by half-educated pedants.
I’m pretty sure what makes language rules valid is whatever social acceptance of those rules is.
Many grammatical rules exist to clarify meaning and changing them loses precision of language, but regardless, no one ever actually accepted that rule but stuffy wannabes who weren’t even good at the thing they were being stuffy about.
The person who will be helping you is not the person who made the rules and policies and chose how much to charge you per month.
The person helping you will have zero control over anything and have to stick to a script and the whole reason their job exists isn’t to actually help you but to help the people who run the company to never, ever have to hear a filthy plebeian complain about anything ever again.
If you really want to chew someone out, do some diligence and find the contact info of the highest person in the organization you can find. Even then, they’re just going to blame it on everyone but themselves anyway, and even if they fix your issue, someone’s gonna lose their ass over the company actually having to fix your issue. Because these systems don’t exist to help solve your problem, but to frustrate you until you give up and stop calling.
Companies are well beyond “How do we attract new customers” because there are no new customers to attract. Now it’s bleeding percentage points of performance increase from smaller and smaller groups of customers while being okay with screwing over the “unprofitable” customers until they leave entirely.
Yep. Telecom corporations are essentially uncriticizable. Even media pushback doesn’t do anything. Everyone knows they’re pure evil and it doesn’t affect them in any way.
VIPs/C-suites, those that make these rules, most likely all have assistants, who will filter out emails like this, it is very probable that even if you find the direct email to ATT’s CEO and email, it will be filtered out and you’ll either get no reply or a template reply with zero substance.
Geez, what a boring dystopia
Yeah but what’s really boring is dehumanizing people in the same class as you while the upper class clinks their glasses together and laugh at you and the worker.
“We don’t care. We don’t have to. We’re the Phone Company.” Lilly Tomlin on SNL in 1976
I have a cocktail recipe you might like
Regardless of how shitty the company is, nothing give you the right to take out your frustration on a total stranger who has done nothing to you. Tbh, I find it very strange. The person in the chat is likely just trying to help you, and you’re making their job a lot harder.
Customer service jobs fucking suck. A lot. They’re probably not even being paid enough for the basic job requirements, let alone getting interrogated/condescended to/yelled at, which they probably experience multiple times per day.
You gain nothing from behaving that way, except to make yourself feel better at the expense of some poor person who’s trying to get by, just like everyone else. There are much better ways to take out your frustration.
edit: a few words
a total
strangerbot. Seriously, I do not think those are hard asks. I am being condescend to and forced to spend over an hour in the system that they designed. Don’t hate the players, hate this boring dystopia.You have presented no evidence that they’re a bot. But whatever makes you feel better about it, I guess.
It’s obviously understandable that you’d be frustrated by this boring dystopia. Many are. Fucking constantly. You are by no means special in that regard. The problem is that you have so little control of your emotions that you willingly take it out on an innocent person.
No one is forcing you to behave that way; that is all on you. There is a way to express your concerns to a CSR while also being respectful and polite. That’s not exactly a hard ask, either.
Those who’ve used LLMs like ChatGPT would wonder why “bots” are taking multiple minutes to reply
I‘d let you wait even longer.
definitely, but I’m game.
Also, Kevin is likely being forced to chat with 3+ customers simultaneously, so that’s why it might take a minute to get back to you.
3 could be a minimum. And the issues won’t be similar, they’ll be just as random as anything else coming in. And their system to actually look up info and make changes will likely only work on one account at a time. It’s possible, but unlikely that the system could use tabs to switch between accounts for chats. That would have required AT&T to actually do something to make the agents job easier, and would cost money to develop.
Their CRM software is a steaming pile of shit, but they can pull up multiple accounts at once.
Well, at least it can do the minimum. Not saying much still, but better than I expected from AT&T.
I wonder if that was actually from Cingular when they bought the old AT&T and decided to use the AT&T name instead going forwards.
I am being forced to ‘chat’ with ‘Kevin’ because the limited options and ‘competitive’ choices in my area (which is a major market city)
Office of the Secretary of AT&T Inc.
208 S. Akard Street
Suite 2954
Dallas, Texas 75202It still isn’t Kevin’s fault.
Kevin isn’t real
You’re not real
Wait til you have to deal with telecommunication customers!
Spell “asshole” right first
“Uncle Roach”. Better? :)
You’re mad. Fine. No need for the entitled, emotional outburst. Has that actually ever worked your favor?
If you’re that fed up with AT&T, get a different service provider. Know that if you do, you’ll have the same things happen there that you feel so incredulous by from AT&T.
Yes, complaining worked in this instance and in many others. Only because I was persistent and demanding. Att could give fuck all otherwise
Curious what they offered as compensation?
I wouldn’t say compensation as much as it was just to change my bill back down and extend the lower rate for a couple months. I didn’t get anything or even expect to. It gives me sometime to find other service options at least
AT&T are trash. Took us far too long to dump them. Glad we did. Found much better service at a quarter the cost.
Same! Quit today. The most awkward conversation the rep couldn’t manipulate. Good fucking riddance.
If you’re having problems getting support from a Telecom company, file a complaint with the FCC. You are more likely going to get someone who can/will actually help you. This mainly works when you have a concrete complaint that is running into process/policy roadblocks. For example, if you’ve been overcharged by an amount that the normal agents don’t have authority to credit or if you’re having chronic service issues that aren’t being resolved.
It is less likely to help if the issue is more subjective, such as asking for a large credit to compensate you for being inconvenienced by an outage (i.e. claiming the outage cost you business or work time). They’ll likely offer a prorated service credit and a courtesy credit (like $25-50) and the FCC will likely consider that reasonable.
Also your state’s Attorney General can be another avenue to escalate with customer support if you’re hitting a brick wall. They’ll often have staffers who act as a mediator and have an in with higher tiers of support.
Source: I personally handled some state AG escalations when I worked in customer support
claiming the outage cost you business or work time
Virtually all service agreements for consumer internet/phone/etc have a limited liability clause that states the provider is only responsible to credit you for the portion of their service fees during the downtime and nothing else. To get compensation for lost business, you would need a special contract with specified uptime/speed/ping/etc minimum and specified penalties for downtime in excess of that minimum.
file a complaint with the FCC. You are more likely going to get someone who can/will actually help
Hahaha! That was a good one 🙂
im just gonna be out there wilding one day, paying for fuck all, not connected to anything, have no services, fuck all insurance. All because of shit like this.
I aim to be a public nuisance when you make doing public good hard.
Ah the Sovereign Citizen route I see
the sovcit except i don’t go outside and yell at people online because the world sucks now.
So basically just sovcit without the sov but still with the cit.
yell at people online
How? while also
paying for fuck all, not connected to anything, have no services, fuck all insurance.
you might discover that the one thing i soley do in my life is not yelling at people online, therefore it might also follow that i will probably pay for some things.