Bruh the sword was hugely in use for hundreds of years that that… thing… came along.
1796 light cavalry saber? Hello?The 1892 pattern? Swords were so important and well evolved to their function the barely had to adapt to fire arms till functional automatic fire became a thing.
Now if we develop an even more powerful explosive that will make wars so horrible, then people will undoubtedly stop making war, right?
* Anakin unfazed *
Bruh the sword was hugely in use for hundreds of years that that… thing… came along.
1796 light cavalry saber? Hello?The 1892 pattern? Swords were so important and well evolved to their function the barely had to adapt to fire arms till functional automatic fire became a thing.
Swords really ruined stone spear heads, sharpened sticks, and clubbing people to death.
the bayonet was a bigger game changer at the time
didn’t need to bother with pikemen any longer as riflemen could be both