Maybe a politicker who brags about being mentored by Henry Kissinger, a war-criminal whose record matches that of Heinrich Himmler himself, shouldn’t be referencing Hitler.
“matches that of Heinrich Himmler”, you mean the head of the SS and one of the main people behind the holocaust?
Have you ever considered that your life, and life in general would be better if you didn’t have such absurd and shrill opinions?
Unfortunately, the American education system just kinda gives up teaching history after 1945. Otherwise, you might be more familiar with the US State Department sponsored coups and subsequent genocides in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and the Pacific Rim over the subsequent 40 years.
Kissinger absolutely was administering mass arrests and executions in US client states, from the overthrow of democracies in Iran and Egypt to the massacres of dissidents in Jakarta and Rio de Janeiro and Santiago to the arming of the Khmer Rouge and subsequent bombings in Laos and Cambodia. Say what you will about Himmler, but he only really had the reigns of a mid-sized European industrial power for a decade. Kissinger was instrumental in steering truly nightmarish foreign policies on an international scale for four times as long.
And when you look at how folks like Kerry and Clinton and Blinken consistently turn to the Kissinger playbook to advance US foreign policy in the modern day, he’s got even more blood on his hands by proxy than that.
And yet, you have no problem using electronics built with slave labor.
Oh, look… another Holocaust apologist.
Can you tell me the name of the ethically sourced device you’re using?
I don’t discuss squat with genocide apologists.
If you really wanted to set off a riot, you could say you’re using a Huawei device. Then tear into these dorks by citing the peak standard of living of Chinese industrial workers relative to their global peers. No student debts. No medical debts. 90% of them own their own homes. Retirement at the age of 60 is the norm. Life expectancy that exceeds their Western peers. Higher GINI index ranking.
Lemmy.word hates China with a passion, and nothing drops napalm on a thread like mentioning how much better Chinese industrial workers have it than folks doing shift work in a Toyota plant in Georgetown, Kentucky or Tijuana, Mexico, much less a Mississippi carpenter or some poor bastard doing contract machinist work in lead-contaminated Flint Michigan. And heaven help these bastards if they’re in the UK. People in that former heart of empire can’t even afford groceries, while folks in Pacific Rim states like Vietnam and Malyasia have grown fat and happy.
Bit of a false assumption, isn’t that? There is no ethical consumption under Capitalism, so trying to advocate for better while participating in an unjust system is a requirement for many people.
There’s no ethical way to run a nation. Lincoln was barely able to free the slaves and FDR couldn’t end segregation. Hilary listening to Kissenger doesn’t mean she supports everything he ever did.
There’s no ethical way to run a nation. Lincoln was barely able to free the slaves and FDR couldn’t end segregation.
A hard, bitter truth
Hilary listening to Kissenger doesn’t mean she supports everything he ever did.
Absolute bullshit.
I guess you’re one of those people who day that Hamas is exactly the same as, and has been doing the exact same as Hitler?
Nuanced, very nuanced…
Hamas is exactly the same as, and has been doing the exact same as Hitler?
A small paramilitary organization operating in occupied territory is doing the exact same as the Chancellor of a European industrial powerhouse?
I’m always a bit surprised when some terminally online guy tries to give people in Hamas this much credit.
Small paramilitary organization? Okay guys, we can call Isreal out for genocide while still acknowledging Hamas as a terrorist group that slaughtered 1,000 civilians, plus whatever else since then.
Hamas and Isreal both suck. The only people I care about are the civilians and dead kids.
Okay guys, we can call Isreal out for genocide
Can we? I heard that was anti-semitism.
Hamas and Isreal both suck.
One is a paramilitary response to the suffocating violent occupation of the other. Might as well denounce the Vietcong, the Spanish Republicans, or Nate Turner Slave Revolt as Terrorists. You wouldn’t be the first.
But to equate the two is to equate the symptom with the illness. Even the fucking Times of Israel acknowledges that the Hamas movement is the direct result of Netanyahu’s domestic policies. The Palestinian Authority has been denuded of all legal agency in a territory they cannot govern thanks to Israeli sanctions. Gaza hasn’t had an election since 2006. There is no way for anyone in the territory to survive, absent the black markets and smuggling corridors maintained by Hamas paramilitary.
This is a deliberate consequence of the stated policies of the Israeli government.
So both Hamas and the IDF are creatures of the Israeli government. The only way to resolve this conflict is to effect regime change in Israel.
The only people I care about are the civilians and dead kids.
The only way to achieve that is a ceasefire. And Israel will not implement a ceasefire until its leadership is removed.
Then maybe they shouldn’t run with a genocide supporting senior citizen as a candidate
I was more caught on Hillary implying she’s less popular than Hitler.