The best solution for that country would be if all except New York and Florida leave.
Dividing the USA is not uplifting news. This is terrible for everyone.
How is this uplifting?!
Because we you don’t get our money unless our votes counts. We have put so much into the entire country and still get shit on from every other state.
This was in that KGB plan to divide America, after dividing NATO. Also in the plan: dividing UK and Europe and then dividing Germany and France within Europe. And every single one of those is being worked on or has already worked. Do not fall for it
Thank you! Finding out about Foundations of Geopolitics back in 2015 or so has been incredibly detrimental to my mental health. People roll their eyes when you bring it up and you just have to watch it slowly unfold exactly to their plan, year after year.
Do NOT fall for this shit, they’ve tried it before. This makes america an easy red majority and that’s the entire point of it. We’re in this together and not going anywhere
I think when you’re on a ship being sailed suicidally into a storm, arguing they some passengers shouldn’t jump into life boats to escape just because it will only leave the crazy people onboard and “we’re in this together” isn’t particularly compelling.
Like, surely that’s the point? That state finds it’s people, their way of life and values to have diverged so far from the government and overall culture of the nation they’re currently teamed up with, so they choose to end their union and become a free nation state again, as is their right.
The alternative to this peaceful split into two countries that can now run themselves the way they want to, would be one side attempting to impose their way of life on the other, to the point of massive crushing oppression or eventual civil war to see which side will dominate and force the other to convert to their ways.
Surely when we consider the options, peacefully going their separate ways when they’re no longer compatible with each other’s societies and values seems the best result, no?
CA here. I’ve had two good friends permanently leave the US in the last few years because fuck this place. I’m not sure we care anymore out here what happens to “America,” especially compared to what we could become without being dragged down by it. If this country is really going to go insane and fascist, then it needs to be weakened to stop the damage, and subtracting California from it would do that faster than anything else possibly could.
If you never saw the 2024 movie Civil War, now is an excellent time.
Somehow Texas and California were on the same side which made the whole movie unbelievable.
I looked it up after the movie and it was done on purpose. The goal of the movie was to show how bad the glorification of this kind of photography and events can be. The creators of the movie thought it would have more impact and get the point across better if it was on US soil. Seeing a downed helicopter in a place you’d normally be shopping for instance. They made texas and california join together, because they didn’t want audiences bogged down trying to figure out who is blue, red, purple, right or wrong.
Please don’t, at least not without other states. Cali leaving would hand the Republicans even greater control of the House and screw over the other blue states.
California leaving would absolutely start a chain reaction of other states.
If California successfully left (trying that didn’t work so well that one time), then I see Oregon and Washington joining. That bloc probably wouldn’t spread further east, though. Too many red states in the way. Texas would probably also secede because honestly I think the only thing keeping them from doing so now is the precedent that it’s not possible. New York would talk about it, but it wouldn’t pass. Minnesota might talk to Canada about joining them, but they probably like their guns too much to actually go through with it.
Nevada is pretty red but they’d bail for anyone offering better gambling laws.
Nevada isn’t just Vegas. There’s a big values dissonance between Vegas and the rural North, and if the country starts fracturing I don’t see them staying together.
I could actually see Vegas seceding from Nevada to either join with California or become an independent city-state.
Fallout: New Vegas would become real, in other words.
WA, OR, CA, MN, WI, IL, ME, MA, RI, CT, VT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, CO, NM, I would be okay with coming to Canada. The rest of yous? Idk.
Wisconsin is surprisingly red when you step out of Milwaukee and Madison and maybe Green Bay. And even then! Just remember those fuckers put Scott Walker in power.
E: Forgot how to spell
Yeah I’m getting pretty tired of my state contributing far more in federal taxes than any other state just to help bailout ignorant, oppressive, poor red states.
We’ve got the money, the tech, the military installations, and the agriculture. Let’s do our own thing. Or better yet, bring the whole West Coast in on it.
Northeast here, we would like to join you.
Terrible name. At least use Califexit if you don’t want to go with the obvious Calyeet or Califorgetaboutitimoutofhere.
I’m partial to CaliFuckThis.
I’ve though about this since the Civil War movie came out. While I’d love for the blue states to leave together, wouldn’t that just put all the weapons of mass destruction in the hands of a new all red US country? That seems like a dangerous idea.
Another issue would be a case where the new red country goes to shit, and they decide they want to force the blue states back in and steal the land. We’d be locked in an infinite war worse than what Ukraine is facing.
To truly work we would need to negotiate a split of the nukes, military, and other federal assets. The is no way this would happen peacefully.
Yeah considering we park a big part of our navy in San Diego these days, and a big part of our SSBN/SSGN fleet up in Washington State, I don’t see the Feds letting those parts go easily.
Think of it like Ukraine and how the Russian Navy used Sevastopol as a primary base long before the USSR broke up, and consider how all that’s going these days. It’d be the same thing here.
If we could figure how to make an east coast - west coast exit into a country that would be ideal.
Just have it run up the coast, include Canada, then back down…
The United Horseshoe of America.
As a Canadian, I’d be OK with that. We’d have to vote for a Prime President or President Minister.