I just want banal generic memes with hollow aphorisms, preferably with images of babies or puppies or something. I’m tired of waking up every morning and being confronted with the social expression of my degraded material conditions. People need to just STFU with their outcries of frustration and despair and get back to being clowns for my amusement.
Give me a “Elon Musk” & “Donald Trump”-Tag Instead. These Fuck faces are everywhere.
“Elon Musk and Donald Trump were individuals?”
(people in 2035, who were not around during the Cronenberg-ing of Musk & Trump in 2028)
Or just a US politics tag
Get Politics Out Of My Shitposts
I just want banal generic memes with hollow aphorisms, preferably with images of babies or puppies or something. I’m tired of waking up every morning and being confronted with the social expression of my degraded material conditions. People need to just STFU with their outcries of frustration and despair and get back to being clowns for my amusement.
Can’t tell if an unreasonable entitled comment, or a sarcastic comment.
Maybe both? (눈_눈)