One Bullet in my head to end all misery
(but too bad, I’m a coward, so I couldn’t do it 😓)
Funny you should ask.
I’ve been almost completely ignoring the hellscape that my country is turning into because last week starting just before the inauguration was one of the worst years in my life, and it’s still happening this week as well.
Over the past 26 years, I’ve often thought that parenting is not a job for the weak. I keep thinking I know what that means. Now I realize that I will never know how bad it can get. Anytime you think you’re past the worst, you get the universe’s boot up your ass again.
I’ve earned a couple serious breakdowns in the last week, but I’ve got to put them off because I just can’t do it yet. I don’t have time.
Whatever you’re going though, I hope it gets better for you
Thank you.
We will survive. It’s what we do.
Sighing (a lot) and reminding myself that every time the 29th rolls around I get a three-day weekend.
At 45:30 PM today, my team will strike. That should give us another couple weeks
copious amounts of legal marijuana
Wife just lost her gig this month, cutting back on our consumption of chronic has been brutal
Have you considered trying to grow your own? It only takes 3-4 plants in a closet to make enough for a couple people, you can control what they’re treated with, and it’s market proof. And generally per weight it’s cheaper than buying at a dispensary…
I’ve never gotten further than attempting to germinate the random seed I’ve found. I believe growing yourself is still technically illegal in NJ oddly enough, although I’m not overly concerned with that part. Definitely something to consider.
Doing this right now. A 40 dollar growlight from ali express and some reflective foil was all it took.
Same, and the fucks better not try to make it illegal again. They can pry the weed from my cold dead lips.
If there’s going to be a civil war, I’m on the side with legal weed.
As the Baroness recently said to me: “It’s the monthiest month I ever monthed.”
Yeah I can’t wait to blink in three days and wake up to October 7th
Girding myself for February. I have for years attested that it’s the shortest month because if it was any longer people would find the nearest window to fling themselves out of.
At least it’s an honest month.
Thank you for sharing this, I think I just found my spirit animal
February is DEFINITELY the worst month of the year. January is bad but you can still somewhat be enjoying the relative newness of winter, pretty christmas lights are still up for awhile, and there’s the excitement of new years eve and the start of a new year.
February is when all the blah of winter really starts piling up, the cold overcast days drag on forever, the gloom suffocates your mood, everything outside is drab, and not only is there not a good holiday in february - but in fact there’s a bad holiday in february with valentine’s day.
I don’t want life to feel like it goes any quicker than it already does, but february makes a good argument for a skip to march
Over here february is nearing the end of the rainy season, with temperatures regularly above 30 and rain showers. I love it, but not as much as the thick of the rainy season, which was this month
February holidays are wack too, at least as far as US holidays go. Valentine’s Day is a racket. Groundhog Day is likely the lamest divination ever regularly attempted. President’s day is dumb and mostly ignored.
Truly the Tuesday of months
At this point I’m torn between hoping for the sweet release of death or waiting for my brain to blackout into violent rage.
If you like a bit of pop pseudoscience, you might like* the idea that today (or this time last week), is Blue Monday:
* Take this word as you see fit.
Sheer delusion.
Happy November 96th everyone, the election is tomorrow and I still have hope that America will turn away from fascistic hate!
The good ol’ days.