Please do not post anything from The Independent or Evening Standard. It’s owned by Russians who could have links to KGB/FSB.
Evgeny Lebedev is a shareholder of The Independent (41%) and Evening Standard (63%). He is a Russian oligarch, son of Alexander Lebedev who is, according to Wikipedia, a “Russian businessman, and has been referred to as one of the Russian oligarchs. Until 1992, he was an officer in the First Chief Directorate (Foreign Intelligence) of the Soviet Union′s KGB and later one of the KGB’s successor-agencies, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).” Alexander’s net worth is ~$3 billion.
Alexander Lebedev was a member of the state Duma in 2003-2007, had connections with Gorbachev (Radio Liberty had an article on their website where they mentioned that Gorbachev awarded scientists from the toxicology laboratory where poisons are produced to kill “enemies of the people”, but I can’t find it now, so it can be false). He was recently sanctioned by Canada (under number 820;
At that moment future PM Boris Johnson was with Evgeny Lebedev at the party in Italian villa. Nobody knows what they exactly were doing there. And when Johnson was a PM, he nominated Lebedev for a peerage in 2020, giving him a seat in the Upper House for life at House of Lords.
P.S.: Evgeny Lebedev was also an owner of London Live TV channel, it’s was closed on January 2025.
P.S. #2: Evgeny Lebedev “maintained friendship with Boris Johnson since the late 2000s, with Lebedev’s Evening Standard endorsing Johnson as the Mayor of London. Johnson has been reported to have attended vodka and caviar parties hosted by Alexander and Evgeny Lebedev in the UK and Italy throughout the 2010s.”
P.S. #3: That show with Brexit in United Kingdom was when Boris Johnson was a Prime Minister. Back then, there were advertising campaign on buses, like “we just giving away to EU 350 million pounds and they give us nothing”. It seems that was a lie.
Sources and some news articles:
- “Italy ‘was monitoring Lebedev villa at time of Boris Johnson’s visit. Intelligence service believed property was being used for espionage purposes, documentary claims” -
- “Morning after: Boris Johnson recovers from Lebedev’s exotic Italian party. Exclusive: New prime minister refuses to say if he abandoned security for 2018 night in billionaire’s castle” -
- “Lebedev could lose House of Lords seat as Labour peer launches bid to throw him out” -
- Alexander Lebedev on Wikipedia -
- “Alexander Lebedev - OpenSanctions” -
- “Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List” -
- “London Live (TV channel)” -
- “Evening Standard” -
- “The Independent” -
- “Boris Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev: a decade of politics, parties and peerages” -
- “Spooking the Spooks: Media Complicity and Security Concerns over Lebedev and Johnson” -
- “The Boris Johnson Brexit Bus Lie of £350m” -
The KGB was replaced by the FSB (domestic) and SVR (foreign) agencies. Ach, you’re right, same shit different names.
What about the Telegraph? I thought they are heavily influenced by bastard Muscovites.
I don’t have any information about The Telegraph.
I thought they are heavily influenced by bastard Muscovites
It’s a news outlet that was described as conservative/right-wing, so maybe that’s why it seems like that. (
Bets that there will be plenty of vaccines to go around in the White House. You know… just in case.
Which would go to show they don’t even know the basics of vaccines. Unless you give them to everyone, they will have very limited effectiveness.
You either eradicate the virus or it will mutate in no time by the now huge (ces) pool of unvaccinated idiots
We should be going straight to the point and helping it become more clear that vaccines are a thing these people actually do want. When they, as well as their opponents, claim that they don’t, it’s because they don’t understand the situation clearly enough.
People who understand vaccines want vaccines.
I went into the local heath department and requested a polio booster, would recommend
Remember when RFK went to like fucken Samoa and held an anti vaccine campaign that ended up killing dozens of children? Then he left and just like nothing happened to him? Oh AND he denied any wrong doing. I remember.
Now donvict and Brainwormz wants to bring the benefits of all that back home so that children can die HERE.
For freedom.
The Samoans remember.
Can someone please go sneeze and cough on this man? We need for him to hurry up and die.
You know this man is vaccinated. I’m sure his family passed out blankets back in the day.
A lot of innocent people are about to suffer so some idiots can learn what it means to say “Regulations and rules are written in blood”
Kidding, of course. They won’t learn shit.
But it isn’t those idiots dying, so for them, nothing important was lost.
Everyone going to need to make room for these thoughts and prayers.
They’re gonna blame the liberals on whatever it is I bet. Reality isn’t going to kick in. Feels like they’re so far gone.
These are the dingalings that blame Teh Gheyz for hurricanes, so…yeah.
If bird flu gets going, it will be them dying too.
But we already had a plague…
Yes, but what about second plague…
So we’re investing billions into new AI data centers to help develop custom vaccines for people to not use; did I miss anything?
No we’re investing billions so that insurance companies can have new and exciting ways to deny people’s claims and make them billions more.
Train AI on medical data to make vaccines
Replace workers with AI
Get people to stop taking vaccines
No longer need AI to make vaccines
Use AI trained on Medical data to make biological weapons
Yes, the true purpose of AI is to replace workers, not create vaccines. The creation of vaccines was a smoke screen to get the good philanthropists to invest.
I was with you until the “good philanthropists” part.
This, too, shall pass. Along with many people.