This timeline is bullshit. Somehow, these natives managed to break Isaac-fucking-Newton. It all half-works, and what actually DOES work isn’t even consistent with basic physics. I.hope this timeline folds in, because if it merges into a mainline, this branch is getting clipped. Don’t be here when that happens.

Anyways. I’m just trying to grill a pork shoulder here. Nominally 90 minutes per pound¹, right? 12 hours tops to get this slab of protein up to 200F from room temp, right? Except no. Motherfuckers in this timeline broke their shit so hard this shit’s working backwards… 16 hours now on that heat (smoke is long gone), and it’s somehow COLDER than it was 4 hours ago?? DESPITE my ramping temps up to 265 here on my cooker???

This is some non-Newtonian bullshit. Most remarkable timeline I’ve ever crossed. I hate it here. 1 star, deserves to be pruned.

Almost at 195 now. 18 hours later. This little move has cost me.

¹ 6.1 k-therms to the kilo, or whatever. “Centigrade” is also busted here. At.leat the Freedomheits make sense still.