She’s is a fucking sheepdog, that’s all she is. Giving disenfranchised voters the illusion that if they stick around long enough, they too can have a seat at their table. She’s a snake in the grass that cannot be trusted.
She’s is a fucking sheepdog, that’s all she is. Giving disenfranchised voters the illusion that if they stick around long enough, they too can have a seat at their table. She’s a snake in the grass that cannot be trusted.
And it should be focused on AIPAC.
Pacs should not exist, but Aipac is a direct threat to everybody.
I’m not saying keep it because we’ve always done it, I’m saying it’s always been around. This is to get people riled up about something that’s always existed.
It wasn’t optional for us.
The only change will be is they will finally admit we have been in a silent depression.
I’m more concerned about the ignored $100m in AIPAC interference in our elections.
This has been in place for decades, I had to take it in the 80s in a public school. It’s called ASVAB like the article mentions. This is nothing new.
Splitting implies that we would ever vote for your candidate. We’re not Democrats, we don’t vote for Democrats.
If you haven’t noticed, Palestine is currently getting wiped out. I never claimed that Trump was a lesser evil or lesser threat because lesser evil or lesser threat does not exist
It needs to be addressed because one is being blatantly ignored, and the one being ignored is the larger of the threats
No one’s talking about perfect, We’re only talking about a level playing field.
There are levels of bad, $100m in elections is by far worse
And only 1 is being addressed
And the US will let him
AIPAC has spent $100m influencing US elections this year to ensure their preferred candidates win and we are supposed to believe Russia is the threat?
W E B DeBois in 1956
In 1956, I shall not go to the polls. I have not registered. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say. There is no third party. On the Presidential ballot in a few states (seventeen in 1952), a “Socialist” Party will appear. Few will hear its appeal because it will have almost no opportunity to take part in the campaign and explain its platform. If a voter organizes or advocates a real third-party movement, he may be accused of seeking to overthrow this government by “force and violence.” Anything he advocates by way of significant reform will be called “Communist” and will of necessity be Communist in the sense that it must advocate such things as government ownership of the means of production; government in business; the limitation of private profit; social medicine, government housing and federal aid to education; the total abolition of race bias; and the welfare state. These things are on every Communist program; these things are the aim of socialism. Any American who advocates them today, no matter how sincerely, stands in danger of losing his job, surrendering his social status and perhaps landing in jail. The witnesses against him may be liars or insane or criminals. These witnesses need give no proof for their charges and may not even be known or appear in person. They may be in the pay of the United States Government. A.D.A.'s and “Liberals” are not third parties; they seek to act as tails to kites. But since the kites are self-propelled and radar-controlled, tails are quite superfluous and rather silly.
They use the same tactics for decades and liberals fall for them every single time
Even where there is no prospect of achieving their election the workers must put up their own candidates to preserve their independence, to gauge their own strength and to bring their revolutionary position and party standpoint to public attention. They must not be led astray by the empty phrases of the democrats, who will maintain that the workers’ candidates will split the democratic party and offer the forces of reaction the chance of victory. All such talk means, in the final analysis, that the proletariat is to be swindled. The progress which the proletarian party will make by operating independently in this way is infinitely more important than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body. If the forces of democracy take decisive, terroristic action against the reaction from the very beginning, the reactionary influence in the election will already have been destroyed.
Karl Marx 1850
Harris is just as much pro genocide as Trump is. Out of one side of their mouth, they talk ceasefire, as they have just completed their 500th military weapons drop to Israel. That’s why Democrats cannot be trusted. We have listened to what they said and then watched what they do.
He was never anything other than a DNC sheepdog to keep disenfranchised Democrat voters rounded up and trapped in the party.