I think extreme wealth is a matter of luck. Lots of equally clever, equally hardworking people succeed moderately, but extreme wealth and success are a perfect storm of timing, economics, and a lot of other things that nobody controls.
I think extreme wealth is a matter of luck. Lots of equally clever, equally hardworking people succeed moderately, but extreme wealth and success are a perfect storm of timing, economics, and a lot of other things that nobody controls.
There’s also no reason to take anything I said as an “excuse”.
Armchair psychology and armchair political rants are both armchair activities., so neither is more important, and they can both happen at the same time.
It’s just interesting that all statements about <bad guy du jour> are considered support if they aren’t condemnation. If you said Bill Cosby used to do funny standup for example, you would be flooded with hate because the only acceptable reason to mention Cosby is condemn him for being horrible. But understanding the psychology of horrible people is actually important. Think how it would be if you got a rectal disease and it turned out there was no cure because assholes are gross so nobody studies them and anybody who mentions them except to rant about how disgusting they are gets pounded with douchevotes and called a pervert. Objective talk about aspects of sociopaths should be okay. Don’t be the Christian who clutches their rosary every time somebody says “Satan”.
I would say your friend’s actions need to be watched and controlled because they’re dangerous, and that the friend as a person needs help.
Yeah I guess we’re not allowed to talk about this guy clinically at all. Has to be about good vs evil.
I would describe Elon Musk as an autistic adult whose weird behavior patterns and way too much money are dangerous in a system that gives money way too much power.
edit: just to be clear to the angry arrow smashers, I’m not offering excuses, rationalizations or support for Elon Musk, just a purely clinical view of his behavior, and why it’s so dangerous that our system gives so much power to money. Without the influence his billions give him he would be just another annoying weird guy. Some people would probably even feel some sympathy for him if it didn’t carry the risk of being called Evil.
Good short-term cure for acute fascists, but the long-term cure for fascism is to run society so the vast majority of people are very happy, so they don’t fall for con artists who promise to relieve their misery.
Okay Rambo, have fun stormin’ da kessel.
Hermes Conrad has entered the chat.
In one of my jobs we had an all-day sprint planning meeting and later an all-day “sprint grooming” meeting. I refused to attend the grooming one. These were for 3-week sprints lol.
Oh that reminds me, the sprint planning is all day tomorrow.
I once had to modify some COBOL code. It’s a highly organized language, not terrible. But because it’s old there’s a shortage of people now who are good at it or want to learn it. You pretty much have to decide your career is going to be working on old code.
+1 - the word “loathe” doesn’t get used often enough. The only time I remember hearing it in a movie was in Sixteen Candles.
Really? And what happens?
I think there’s a mixture of not believing Hitler-level nazi shit is happening until actual gas chambers are running, and a what can one person do anyway attitude. Frankly, I had high hopes of Trump being soundly defeated and that it would be the turning point in the collapse of MAGA. But since not enough people could be bothered to vote against him, I honestly believe his long-overdue final Big Mac Attack is the only thing that will stop MAGA. Without him as a figurehead the self-centered opportunists running it will tear it apart as they claw at each other to get on top. Until then we just have to hang on.
COBOL has entered the chat: If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
That’s a bizarre glitch I never would have known to look for - thanks!
Pasting this right into my project doc. Thanks so much!
Laptops … I never could get used to them. The keyboards feel too tiny and I can’t stand trackpads. Give me my dual monitor PC! Apparently there are people who actually write code on phones, which would be my idea of hell.
lemmy users: “That’s no excuse!”