Some IT guy, IDK.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • My previous workplace was like this. It didn’t get to this point, I left before it got to the point of being told you’re not allowed to wfh under any circumstances, but I was very confused why I needed to go to the office, to do my IT job, helping people with their computers remotely. I go to the office, to work remotely. Which doesn’t make any sense at all.

    What is special about the office that allows me to work better/faster/more effectively/whatever? Nobody could give me an answer. I can easily run the tools at home and work fine from there, but I’m not allowed.

    My specialty is in network operations, if they want my work to 100% go through their equipment and firewalls and stuff, I can make that happen. With little effort, I can setup a system on a VLAN, and VPN that VLAN to work, blocking it from all other traffic apart from the VPN. It would be the only system on that VLAN (apart from the firewall/VPN device), ensuring no possibility of cross contamination between my equipment and theirs. They even had an openVPN host already configured, which they would only need to generate a connection file for, in order for me to get it working. I can then proxy 100% of my traffic through an office system and it would be identical to being present in the office, apart from me being physically there.

    At home I have a dedicated room for my computer activities, where I can close the door and lock it if required, so I can remain undisturbed.

    I made sure they understood all of this but they still wanted me in the office at least 4 days a week. I’m still not sure why.

    I left that job, and my new job doesn’t even have a physical office, so I’m permanently working from home.

  • IMO, the biggest problem with timezones is that the people who initially created them were fairly short sighted.

    That and there have been way too many changes to who lives in what timezone. The one that boggles my mind is that apparently there’s a country in two timezones, not like, split down the middle or anything, but two active timezones across the entire country depending on which culture you’re a part of, or something. It’s wild.

    I still don’t know if there’s any difference between GMT and UTC. I couldn’t find one. They both have the same time, same offset (+0), and represent the same time zone area.

    I use UTC because I’m in tech, and I can’t stand time formats, so I exclusively use ISO 8601, with a 24 hour clock. Usually in my local time zone, via UTC. We have DST here which I’m not a fan of, but I have to abide by because everyone else does.

    My biggest issues with time and timezones is that everyone uses different standards. It drives me nuts when software doesn’t let me set the standard for how the time and date is displayed, and doesn’t follow the system settings. It’s more common in web apps, but it happens a lot. I put in a lot of effort to try to get everything displaying in a standard format then some crudely written website is just mm/dd/yy with 12h clock and no timezone info, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

  • I’m in Canada, so things here are a bit different. On top of that, things differ greatly between physicians.

    I went into my primary care physician, and I inquired about ADHD, because I’d done some learning, and thought I had it, but didn’t want to self diagnose. I thought he’d give me a referral to a psychiatrist for diagnosis, instead he gave me a survey, which was maybe 20 questions at most, took maybe a minute to fill out. After, he looked over my answers, said something to the effect of “this seems consistent with mild ADHD, do you feel it is affecting your life?” Very yes. Then he prescribed me a relatively low dose of ADHD meds, and as soon as I got that prescription filled, my life changed for the better.

    I’ve been on it ever since and much happier for it. Took like 3 minutes at my primary care physician.

    Meanwhile, my brother went to his primary, who referred him to a psychiatrist, who did weeks of discussions and examinations before any prescription was provided for him. He also has ADHD.

    Different physicians, different people, different experiences.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldPride wins!
    3 days ago

    I agree, I always feel that pride is about being open/honest/proud of who you are and who you love, and being accepting of others, in who they are and who they love.

    The specifics of who you are and who you love are not important.

    Minority or not, all are welcome as long as you can accept others for who they are and who they love.

    … With the obvious exception of relationships that are illegal… I’m specifically thinking of pedos here, but I’m sure other illegal relationships would also be unwelcome, like bestiality, I guess. IDK.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldPride wins!
    3 days ago

    I feel like that’s what I was trying to say.

    To simplify, to be at pride, you need two things: a pride in who you are and who you love, and an acceptance of others, who they are and who they love.

    In that, the OP in OP’s picture would not be unwelcome, as long as they can accept others for who they are and who they love.