So far we have three people that have made the same comment about not being the front view. I’m using copy comments as TP tomorrow.
Sure, that’s great and so, but the creator of the Gif says the wrong way to say it so… the creator is not always right.
Just to make sure to not take sides, I pronounce the ‘g’ as in ‘design’
I guess it’s fine gif you want to say it like that
Well saying it the wrong way sounds too much like gift. How often are you talking about Jiff peanut butter?
As a choosey mom, you would be surprised how often it comes up.
~fuck you, Skippy~
As a Canadian in the UK…like at least once a month
I prefer the look of overhand, but the oversize rolls pull better out of my inset holder when it’s underhand
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
You aren’t taking into account the patent inversion convention of 1898.
Patent got filed on double reverse patent day. Draw 4.
What if it was accepted on a triple dog backwards day though?
Crap. I’m sorry. I don’t know French.
We actually have a nice print of that hanging in the bathroom
Does it trouble you at all that the diagram doesn’t specify where the wall should be?
Wait… Do you not have your toilet paper just hanging in the air?
That’s a good idea. Maybe a wood print. I like it.
This is the one we have. I actually got it from their kickstarter years ago:
Thats the ‘cat free house’ way.
Eh. I taught my 2 cats to not touch it. It’s not difficult.
I have had many cats and have never had a problem with them grabbing the toilet paper.
HOW‽ If I could I would
Honestly I sometimes wonder how I did it, because my cats listen to me and rarely do something I don’t want them to.
Im firm with them, never loud, never hit them or push them. Consistency might be the key. Always tell them no the same way, as many times as it takes. I’ll give them something else to play with if they’re ripping something up too.
They’re smart, if you spend the time with them.
Exactly this. Had a friend struggling to teach a kitten. He had the habit of sounding stern, but not following through, simply pointing like a threat. It even confused me, let alone the cat
Within 1 hour of me consistenly spraying the kitten with water and using the same tone, the kitten started to hesitate when wanting to jump on the counter. It learned not to do so quickly after that.
I had cats my whole life and never had this happen.
Objection: appeal to authority + appeal to tradition + I did the fuck with yo mama last night
/s if that’s really necessary
Unless you have a cat that likes to play with them… Then the other direction.
Depends on the cat. If they’re simply going with tapping the roll to spin it, that may work for a bit. I’ve found that rolls accessible to a cat tend to morph into big balls of clawed unusable pulp.
When I was a young kid, I had a cat that was front-declawed (this was before it was well known that it’s an abusive practice - my folks didn’t know better at the time). Because he couldn’t shred the paper with his claws, he showed his spite by chewing up the roll so it looked like he’d clawed it. Didn’t matter which direction the roll was.
I loved that cat. He was so smart.
When my bois were kittens, they would play with it either way. You’re totally correct.
Why not just shut the door so the cat doesn’t get in there? The toilet paper being hung correctly is more important than the cat for me.
Because I don’t like the smell of cat shit anywhere outside the bathroom
Then teach them not to play with the TP roll.
Ah yes! “Just teach” the cat. Easy
If you spend time with them yeah it can be easy. I have two cats. They both listen to me.
You can’t expect them to just automatically know what not to do.
But people get cats so they don’t have to interact with them.
I do not condone animal abuse.
The cat listens to me. It understands nothing, though
Well, then teach it to understand. Do you think dogs just automatically understand everything too?
Why are all of the people in here getting animals if they don’t want to spend time with them? They’re not magic beasts.
Famously easy, like herding cats
One of my cats knows how to open doors like a fucking velociraptor. We’ve baby locked several of our doors but some things like the bathroom I don’t like fucking around with extra steps when trying to get into at 3am
Oh hey, my fear. Do you have door knobs, or uh - the flat handled kind that swing down or up? I just realized I don’t know what those lever like door handles are called.
I can hear one of my cats pawing at the door knob at night, he’d be getting in places he shouldn’t if we had those flat kind.
Bank vault doors. With digital keypad entry systems. They’re really smart cats.
That comes in handy when a girl comes over over, too
The flat/lever kind, can get them open first try from either side of a door it’s impressive. He’s way too smart for his own good and I suspect he could work a round style one if it had enough texture on it. The menace certainly gets into everything else in the house
Yes but also S T E A M
If you live in a humid, much poo carries on.
I see we’ve got some really strong opinions going on here. Just wanna remind everyone to keep it friendly and civil.
And on that note, all you weirdos who place it behind are wrong and I will die on this hill.
Fight me.
People who place it hanging against the wall stand to wipe, like children.
or this
I stand with you this day, brother!
I stand two stalls over, but still with you!
Separate, but together, we stand… Or sit.
IDK what’s going on in this metaphor.
That’s an impressive watch, brother!
I’m not gonna fight you. My two shitty scheming cats on the other hand…
Look I know how it’s supposed to go but I’m fighting for every square
You could just keep the door closed
Yes. Famous respecter of closed doors, our feline friends.
Ah, I see the problem. I’m afraid you’ve accidentally adopted a Velociraptor.
What the fuck were they doing for toilet paper before 1891?
Farmers almanac.
Sears catalog and corn cobs. No lie.
Smart. One for the front, and one for the back.
A rag on a stick, frequent trips to the river, their left hand, nothing at all and the three seashells. We’re some other options.
We’ve still got a few years until the three seashells take over and Taco Bell wins the franchise wars.
I dunno, but it probably involved slaves.
Various other things like leaves, rags, sponges, or leftover paper. Failing that a bare hand works: manners dictating you wash it after.
Some cultural hangups on the left hand being “unclean” stem from those cultures using that hand for hygienic reasons.
This post sent me down a rabbit hole.
The funniest one is the Japanese “chuugi”, translated to “shit stick”.
As absolutely batshit crazy the world is right now, it’s important to reflect on what we do have. And thankfully it’s advanced beyond shit sticks.
Imagine getting an asshole splinter?
No. No I will not imagine that, thank you very much. Kittens are cute. Kittens are cute.
Are we looking from the perspective of the user or the wall?
Yeah, the illustration shows nothing, we don’t know which side is which anyway.
OP is still right, but I hate what you’ve posted.
this one would be the alternative
I like this one more.
The most dangerous phrase is “we’ve always done it this way”.
I see nothing that indicates that that is the front of the roll
Beards are based, mullets are cringe.
Ooh I just got a new idea for a new patent!