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Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Exactly this. Had a friend struggling to teach a kitten. He had the habit of sounding stern, but not following through, simply pointing like a threat. It even confused me, let alone the cat

    Within 1 hour of me consistenly spraying the kitten with water and using the same tone, the kitten started to hesitate when wanting to jump on the counter. It learned not to do so quickly after that.

  • I don’t get what you are trying to imply. I am aware that sitting down isn’t the only option to keep it cleaner for longer.

    I know toilets can splash water on the seet. Large droplets aren’t the concern here. It’s the small particles that get out and stick to the seat, walls and floor. You can’t see it, but it does stink up the place.

    As for kids, I sure af hope the women clean up after them too. My original commenr was not about whose the worst offender, it’s about being mindful and keeping the stalls clean.

  • Thank you for reading. I agree with you.

    Unfortunately. AD(H)D does impact brain development. People have brains that are and wothout care remain underdeveloped in a few regions, as well as the connections between these regions. So the use of retard is correct.

    I can’t blame people for not wasting energy on a child that needs a lot more structure, support and training.

    As for relationships. They do ask things that people on the spectrum struggle with. From being able to put oneself in the other’s shoes, to being aware of how they feel themselves about a situation. Struggling with emotional regulation can also cause problems, while not being aware that what they said or did wasn’t okay.

    Take my dad for example. He destroyed family ties between my mother and his side of the family. He compartimenalized me as part of “mom’s” side. Reducing what little family connection I had. All because of hypersensitivity and not wanting to be around “too many people” once a year for christmas. So to this day he has two christmas parties. With his family, and us. Even though everyone on “his side” is on the spectrum and would have understood if he communicated about getting overstimulated. No one bothered to ask why, or what my sister and I thought of it. As after all, they struggle with theory of mind.

    With such carelessness or lack of awareness, I cannot blame someone for not thinking and just running away. If someone is seemingly shortsighted, unreliable or uncaring, why stay with them? Or starting a relationship with them with no certainty things will improve? It’s wrong to believe you can change or fix someone, it is foolish to try when you don’t.

  • As someone who absolutely hates religions and the effects it had on science and animal welfare on the european continent. I 100% agree with you.

    I don’t care for the cut off statement, because who cares about metallury if a faith doesn’t affect it?

    The labelling and lack of privacy is always a bad development. Always. It is the first step needed to prosecute any group. The holocaust museum’s wall paper are chronological steps that the nazi’s took to gain power and strip away human rights. And the wallpaper goes on and on, floor to floor.

    People should be free to believe, but they should be taught not to obfuscate or ignore observations just because of religion. Especially in the fields of medicine and biology. Especially in women’s health.

  • I hate it. Sure. Being called a retard isn’t great, but having people claim ASDs are just a different way of thinking is downplaying problems. Oh how quirky we are!

    If I wasn’t retarded, I would have been able to study properly instead of relying on hyperfocus and high ascociative thinking. I would have graduated. If I wasn’t retarded, I would have been able to do things consistently and perseveer. Instead, I lose and gain weight over and over. I’m going to develop diabetes at this rate. Going to a 24/7 open gym is the only chance I got at staving off the problems caused by depression and my dopamine hunger induced eating disorder. If I wasn’t retarded, people would have appreciated me more. Instead, I am too much. Say too much. Exist too much. Even when I predict something, or suggest something that people think was good, they believe someone else in the group thought of it.

    Furthermore, downplaying the issues could have people mistake just how capable people with autism/ADHD are. People shouldn’t think that starting a family with someone autistic is just “going to be a little different.” People seriously ought to reconsider marrying someone lacking theory of mind skills. And autists should seriously reconsider whether or not they are suitable parents. Baby cries? Can’t have a meltdown. Baby needs consistent care? Better not have exec. dys. inhibiting your jobsecurity and energy management. Need to be able to get on the level of the child, make the child feel heard and understood? Sucks for the kid if the parent lacks that ability too. Both my parents are autistic/AD(H)D, and were downright neglectful and one abusive. They have no real friends. They struggle with emotional regulation and communication. I’ve been working my ass off to become better than them.

    I don’t care what people call having multiple mental disabilities. What’s important is helping children on the spectrum. Early detection could have spared me further brain damage and subsequent stacking of developmental problems.