Also dangerous for crews. Sherman tank crews had a 75% survival rating when their tank got bust. I think the tiger had an 80% death rate or something.
Also dangerous for crews. Sherman tank crews had a 75% survival rating when their tank got bust. I think the tiger had an 80% death rate or something.
Have you ever wondered how people reacted to the original Nazis in the 1930s? Well… now you know. If can feel proud of something, it is at least I am extremely against it and the whole ‘what would you have done?’ is basically answered definitively for me.
Yeah but China isn’t my main concern right now. I got plenty of questions to ask and knowledge to seek and I would rather not be broadcasting that stuff to a bunch of busybody jackasses.
Thank you very much. I did ask chatGPT was technical questions about some… subjects… but having something that is private AND can give me all the information I want/need is a godsend.
Goodbye, chatGPT! I barely used you, but that is a good thing.
So can I have a private version of it that doesn’t tell everyone about me and my questions?
Here’s to every single one of them meeting a similar end very, very soon.
What is fucked is that no matter what happens. They will insist that it was all the Democrat’s fault and all the fault of communists and socialists. They will be believed both despite the absurdity of it all and because of the absurdity of it.
They almost doubled the price of their stuff. No fucking way I am paying that. I’ll pack my own sandwiches…
A bomb on a military target is terrorism if it is an Arab or they are opposed to Israel in any way.
Meanwhile when Israel bombs UN medical workers helping civilians in a place where no combatants are, they are legitimate war targets and not even oopsie…
Ethnostates have no right to exist.
A massive portion of Israelis have dual citizenship. If there was some kind of one-state solution that combined the two, returned much of the stolen land back to the original Palestinians and gave everyone full rights, those people would pack up and go voluntarily but also claim that they were violently forced out and that the whole thing is a pogrom.
In 2006 hezbollah killed less than 50 Israeli civilians meanwhile Israel bombed Beirut and killed thousands of civilians.
The claim that they are the world’s most moral military was never true. They were always, from their inception, the most unhinged, brutal and barbaric military. They are on par with the Nazis that they claim to hate.
What the hell are you talking about?
Being poor is expensive as hell. Ironically being richer makes things around you cheaper.
Ironically post-singularity AIs might be more like Master Computer from Tron. Just believing they are super efficient and can run things better. But to whose benefit?
Also now I understand why AIs often want to wipe out all of humanity…
I used to pay 3.99 for butter. Canadian.
At this point in time if I saw a group of people just plundering the joint I would say they are doing nothing wrong. In fact, they are morally upright for doing that.
OK so survival rating of 75% vs. 20%. Happy?