Privacy & Foss advocate, and Linux user. Dyslexic
Ace 🖤🩶🤍💜

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • That’s not a shitpost, that’s a basic meme that took effort to make and come up with.

    ^Actual shitpost, AI generated images with text slapped on it. Another example is the common “all Linux users are femboys” memes.

    “aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality… cause the biggest reaction with the least effort. …internet mockery… …absurd…”

    My post that was unfairly removed was intentionally provocative (Oxford), and ironically, trollishly poor quality (Wikipedia), just as the example shitposts provided are.

    provocative ≠ inflammatory

    Provocative : causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
    Inflammatory : deliberately arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings.


    Provocative in the context of shitpost essentially means deliberately causing a strong reaction usually via exaggeration for comedic effect.
    While Inflammatory just means to deliberately insight violence.

    Another shitpost for example :

    This meets : intentionally provocative (Oxford), and ironically, trollishly poor quality and absurd (Wikipedia).

  • Basic functionality, as in Server Side Decorations along with Client Side Decorations; features both users & application devs expect to be there. Gnome Wayland lacks SSD which is a big problem for devs that build applications without CSD, e.g. especially Game devs, and it even causes negative effects across the rest of Linux ecosystem. Literally everything; KDE Plasma, Weston, Windows, MacOS and so on have both SSD & CSD.

  • Gnome will die the second Cosmic (Epoch) DE gets remotely close to 1:1 parity. It will be more stable, it’ll be more feature complete & support modern features, it’ll have a similar level of polish, a similar yet way more flexible design language and the devs will actively work with the Linux ecosystem & so on.
    At that point the only people left over for Gnome, are those stuck on x11, and die hard shills/fanboys. Many developers are very much sick of Gnomes shit already and only put up with it because it’s popular.

  • No one is entitled to random free custom development work.

    Meaning gnome devs themselves are not entitled to the free custom development work of the third party extension devs, and therefore gnome is actively taking advantage of the third party developers while all round making it harder for them to maintain the extensions.
    This is where KDE Community is different, they actively support, communicate, collaborate, etc. with 3rd party devs to build a strong relationship & a strong ecosystem.